Posted on January 6, 2023January 3, 2023Categories FridayTags , ,

Enlightened Self Interest – It’s About US, Isn’t It?

The US doesn’t get to sit out much. If you ask the Ukrainians defending their homeland the war is most definitely NOT about the United States. They’re absolutely right, except for the part where it kinda is. Not because we’re sending them support – who isn’t? Not because we are providing intelligence – ours is cooler because satellites but intelligence is a big tent. Not because we’re the US of A and rah, rah, rah – even we have some … Continue reading “Enlightened Self Interest – It’s About US, Isn’t It?”

Posted on January 4, 2023January 3, 2023Categories WednesdayTags , , ,

It’s About Our Future

America is the most consarned, ornery thickheaded mule of a nation-state ever when it gets that isolationistic bee in its bonnet. Dumbest question I hear conservatives ask is ‘why do WE have to be the world’s policeman’? Simple, it’s us or something MUCH worse. I’d be amazed if we could convince Europe to take the job, let alone pony up for the necessary military costs. However, do we really want the folks that brought us not one but two world … Continue reading “It’s About Our Future”

Posted on December 20, 2022December 20, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , ,

Should the Monroe Doctrine Still Exist?

Yes. Y’all come back… Okay, okay, I’ll explain. It’s in the US’ best interest not to allow its enemies to have significant inroads on the American continent. You need that explained, too? Didn’t they teach you kids anything in college? The reason the US has rarely been invaded is its geography. To get to us you have to either cross an ocean or take over Canada or Mexico first. None of that has ever been easy but in modern times … Continue reading “Should the Monroe Doctrine Still Exist?”

Posted on December 3, 2022December 3, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Price of Freedom: Eternal Vigilance

Vigilance is just a fancy word for paying attention and being on the look out. Normally, when you hear this phrase we think of our servicemen and women providing our defense and extending our protection worldwide. But that’s only a part of what it means. Truth is, the US is such a ridiculously difficult military target that conventional invasion may as well be impossible. America has only been invaded once (the British, 1812) unless you want to count the Revolutionary … Continue reading “The Price of Freedom: Eternal Vigilance”

Posted on October 28, 2022October 28, 2022Categories FridayTags , , , , , ,

Twelve Days Until the Midterms

From what I’m hearing, all the polls are pointing toward a Republican sweep. More importantly in my opinion, there are no obvious indicators that point elsewhere. My personal favorite is small donations. Most small donations go to candidates that person actually supports and will go out and vote to elect. There’s no reason to ‘lie’ with a small donation. You aren’t really hedging your bet by making small donations to every candidate. Even if you can afford it, few people … Continue reading “Twelve Days Until the Midterms”

Posted on October 4, 2022October 4, 2022Categories MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

Calm Down – This is Normal

I don’t mean the ‘new normal’. I mean normal. The half insane, scary as heck, what are they thinking behavior of not just Russia and China but the entire international community is the real normal. Those of you who can’t remember the Cold War have lived in the weird times. America was the big scary thing so everyone loved/hated it – including some Americans. Europe was preoccupied with becoming something never quite defined. Elites worldwide were convinced – or pretending … Continue reading “Calm Down – This is Normal”

Posted on July 11, 2022July 11, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , ,

Who’s Winning? Ukraine Versus Russia

No one, yet. All right, already, here’s the long version: We’re not even through the first quarter yet. Russia scored big at the kickoff but couldn’t hold out. Ukraine came back with a massive wave, taking the lead. But Russia went back to its old playbook and has started to gain yardage. It only took Russia three months to get a first down. If wars had nice, clean rules like football, we still wouldn’t be sure who was really doing … Continue reading “Who’s Winning? Ukraine Versus Russia”

Posted on May 17, 2022May 17, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , ,


The biggest problem with politics is that labels generally have three to five meanings at any given time. Seriously, if you are writing a professional political science paper the very first thing you do is define your terms. Not esoteric stuff no one has ever heard of – the regular things like conservative, liberal, libertarian, globalist, nationalist – et al. The reason is simple – people are way too lazy to think up new words for slightly different things and … Continue reading “Neo-Nationalist”

Posted on May 13, 2022May 13, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , ,

Taking Our Ball and Going Home

The US is and probably always will be deeply isolationistic at its core. Conservatives at present claim that history – a recent reclaim from the liberals. Suddenly, we remember that Washington counseled against ‘foreign entanglements’. Not so suddenly, we decry the notion of being the world’s policeman. We have our own problems at home and we just want the world to go away. I say to my conservative brothers the same thing I said to our liberal, er, whatever their … Continue reading “Taking Our Ball and Going Home”

Posted on March 28, 2022March 28, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

Ukraine Versus Russia: What it Means to the US

Short answer: if Ukraine falls it will predicate a geopolitical realignment that the US will have very little say in. The reason: Biden. If Ukraine survives, there will still be a geopolitical realignment but to a lesser degree and US power will remain in play. Probably despite Biden. Conclusion: If you don’t like military conflicts with Russia, don’t vote Democrat for the next decade or so. Now, for those who prefer some meat on the bare bones, there is no … Continue reading “Ukraine Versus Russia: What it Means to the US”