Invoking the 25th Amendment

Honestly, I didn’t expect for this to be a thing in my lifetime unless there was a bad accident or something. But here we are. Should the 25th be invoked? Yes.

Is Biden about to start a nuclear war? No. Honestly, unless he orders a first strike, I don’t think he can at this point. Putin isn’t a genius but he’s also not a moron – committing suicide because a dottering old man said mean things is beyond moronic. It’s more likely that Putin can’t decide whether to get mad or laugh – he’s not alone.

That doesn’t mean having a demented man in the White House is anything like safe or okay. He’s making such a mess on the Ukraine issue that Europe and Russia are trying to ignore him. Saying whatever random crap comes to mind whenever you are in front of a camera only makes the diplomatic stuff much, much harder. Is it real or Maybelline? This is not a question we want our allies to have to ask.

We elect presidents for a reason – and having the bureaucracy taking on decision making is NOT OKAY. It’s not okay when we allow it through neglect and it is REALLY not okay when it’s happening because the guy in office cannot do his job.

Besides the fact that his handlers aren’t handling things well at all, it leaves the US with no one to make the hard decisions. True, Biden isn’t a hard decision kind of guy but hard decisions come with the job. It’s not something that the handlers can handle – the buck really does have to stop on the president’s desk.

One more key point – putting a frail, mentally compromised old man into the highest stress job on the planet is elder abuse, pure and simple. He can’t stay in Delaware for the next three years while in office. And Delaware, not the White House, is where he should be.

It no longer matters that Harris is unqualified – she’s at least mentally competent and there for more qualified than the guy in the Oval Office.

It’s past time we invoke the 25th Amendment.

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!