Winning Graciously

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After the jumping up and down, fist bumping and squealing in delight, there comes that awkward moment of looking your losing opponent in their tear filled eyes. The poor heartbroken things are the same jerks that have been treating us like dirt literally for years.

Wouldn’t a good fat lip go great with those tears? At the very least, they need their noses rubbed in it, right?

One good snarky remark?

Aww, come on, you’re not saying we should be all ‘turn the other cheek’, are you? They have been violent, racist rioters and they keep calling us all those things! Dozens of people are dead as a direct result of their ‘summer of love’ and ‘mostly peaceful’ protests. Millions of babies were literally ripped bodily apart in the womb and they dare play victim when the judicial fiat is turned against them! Why should WE be the ones to be nice!?!?!

Several reasons: First off, Jesus. You do remember that whole dying on a cross thing? He was convicted in a kangaroo court, savagely tortured and brutally executed in a manner that gave us the word ‘excruciating’ yet among His final words on Earth were “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”Luke 23:34. We’re supposed to be like Him, remember?

Second, it’s pretty stupid if we don’t learn the lesson we’ve been trying to teach them for the last few decades: political pendulums ALWAYS swing. Win graciously because you will be on the losing side again one day. Treating each other with respect and trying to make as much as possible win-win instead of win-lose is just a kind of political banking. Invest wisely – you’ll be getting it back with interest.

And before you even think it, no, the left is not ‘getting away’ with diddly-squat. They have pretty well insured that this go around that political pendulum is going to squash everything they worked for and dreamed of – and they are going to get hit by that steamrolling pendulum. There’s literally no reason to try to get revenge; they’re about to find out that they’ve done a great job of messing themselves up.

Political pendulums are long and slow – imagine being run over by a very, very long train. That’s what’s in store for the Left in the US and maybe the world, in the coming months and years. They will have those moments of respite only to suffer more and more crushing defeats. This is what happens when you decide that there is no truth and you can mistreat anyone that disagrees with you. Justice will eventually show up.

There will be hearings and trials unless the Republicans are total idiots. Even then, it’s just a matter of time. Democrats are going to lose power as are international political globalists. That’s the nature of the political pendulum – people realize they are on the wrong track and turn around. When enough of them do that, best to not have made them mad first.

Being gracious winners isn’t the same as foregoing justice nor should we. Mercy without justice isn’t truly mercy; it’s just injustice dressed up for Halloween. But the converse is equally true; Justice without mercy is not true justice; it’s just vengeance dressed up for a nasty game of ‘let’s pretend’. Seek justice but always tempered with mercy. Be merciful but never unmindful of justice.

In less lofty terms, don’t be jerks. There’s no need to keep playing when the game is already 124 to 6. Jesus said something about ‘do unto others as you would have done unto you.’Luke 6:31

Good advice, especially when we’re winning.

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!