Why I Support the AR15 Ban – Sorta

Got your attention, didn’t I? What kind of conservative would support the gun grabbing, authoritarian, crazed liberal government?

Not this one.

Say what? But, but you support the AR15 ban!

Sorta, yeah. Hear me out.

I’ve been pro-gun control since the first time I had to crawl home because some #&$^%*^*$!!!! decided to shoot at whatever moved, which happened to be me. I accept the intellectual proposition that responsible gun owners exist. I think unicorns are more likely but I do accept the idea. I’ve been friends with gun owners that I think are indeed responsible people (and some that weren’t) but in the woods, where it counts, I’ve never seen anything but the jerks.

So of course I support the ban, right? Not really. I think it’s stupid.

You are so confused now, aren’t you?

Those of us who are legitimately pro-gun control know full well we won this debate 20 plus years ago. The irresponsible, jerk driven gun culture that excused anything in the name of hunting accident is dead – and no one, especially not gun owners, wants it back. The policies we fought for: background checks and waiting periods, have been in effect for nearly thirty years in some states and nationwide for 20 years. We won and we even won over a lot of gun owners, albeit grudgingly. Yay, milk and cookies!

But of course the Democrats had to screw it up. Gun control opponents long claimed all gun control was about gun abolition. It wasn’t but thanks to the liberal nitwits, now it is. There’s no actual gun control movement – it’s a gun abolition movement that doesn’t have the guts or the conviction to tell the truth about itself.

The little girl who lost pets and even a neighbor to the <insert very bad words here> that plagued the Seventies and Eighties finds gun abolition attractive. The grown woman can’t logically justify it. That’s mostly because the gun control opponent organizations including the NRA did a good job cleaning up their act.

They realized that they were rapidly losing support in the rural areas – to this day it’s very difficult to find land owners that will allow hunting on their property. Farmer Brown gets ticked when you shoot Bessie the Cow because you are too stupid or drunk to tell the difference between a cow and a deer – and yes, it was a BIG problem. Media doesn’t cover the countryside but rural folks talk – a lot.

But to their credit the gun owners did their own policing and made ‘responsible gun ownership’ their watchword. I’ll never like it – you can thank the Kowliga Hunting Club for that – but whether or not I like something shouldn’t be the reason for a legally binding policy. I know, seems silly not to let one grouchy old lady run the world but there we are. Gun owners did a great job self policing and things are MUCH better than when I was a kid; they shouldn’t be punished just because I don’t like jerks having guns.

So why do I support the ban – sorta? Simple – all the crazies on both sides are hopping mad and screaming across the aisle. Until that settles down – and it eventually will – I want the argument focused on the dumb ban. It’s a strategic call – if everyone is all upset about the ban, they are less likely to start undermining the background checks and waiting periods.

Once it settles out, let’s ditch the ban. It doesn’t make schools safer – those laws already exist and get violated each time. The problem isn’t going to be solved in the gun control debate because the problem lies in the IDIOTIC kid warehousing system we use for schooling and the breakdown in morals Democrats have been fighting for for decades. Banning guns will just make the little lunatics build pipe bombs – the solutions are harder and require that we don’t drive kids into literal lunacy.

But that’s a debate for later. For now, let the stupid policy take the heat so that the smart policies don’t have to.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!