Who Are You Really Speaking For?

If you feel the need to speak up for other people, it’s the first question you should ask yourself. Certainly their are those who legitimately cannot speak for themselves – did they appoint you their spokesperson? How much input did they have on what you are saying on their behalf? Did they tell you personally that they need you to tell the world what ever it is for them? No?

Then you have no right to speak on their behalf. You are not their agent if you aren’t speaking exactly what THEY TOLD YOU TO SAY. If you’re just rambling on about what you think is best for them then you are NOT speaking for the marginalized – you’re just speaking your own mind. Don’t self aggrandize by claiming to speak for someone when you haven’t been appointed to that job and don’t patronize the folks you claim to speak on the behalf of by saying or implying that they can’t danged well speak for themselves.

I have a tough time believing that Black Americans need snot nosed liberal white kids to speak on their behalf. Does it strike anyone else as ridiculously demeaning to assume that 12% of the US population is too ‘marginalized’ to figure out how to use a smartphone and post to the Internet? Seems so to me when I see the enormous number of folks who do just exactly that every day. I dunno – I’m only expressing my own opinion here – but who are these black folks that need white liberal college kids to speak up for them? Surely none of the black folks I’ve ever known – those folks can speak for themselves and would hire a black spokesperson if they felt the need.

Same goes for Hispanic Americans – if they want a spokesperson, they can hire one. Plenty of folks who happen to be hispanic and understand their culture and way of life that can and will do the job – why would they hire some brat that’s never met one of those ‘marginalized’ people they so desperately want to speak for let alone been a member of a hispanic community? Is there a member of that community that can explain why I’m wrong about this?

I suspect I’d get more of an earful if I were dumb enough to insist that they need inexperienced, miseducated, safe space hiding, haven’t yet graduated, living in Mom’s basement, white with purple hair 29 year olds to speak on behalf of the Hispanic community.

Asian Americans? Nope, they seem a bit too busy suing colleges and universities for actual, demonstrable racial discrimination that the snot nosed liberal set approve of to be hiring recent grads with PhD’s in Basketry and Jim Crow 2.0.

Native Americans? Sure, they haven’t been victimized by people trying to help them in what, three weeks? Surely they need an out of work, socialist wannabe to speak for them – and yes, that is dripping sarcasm – sorry about the shoes…

Time to face facts: most of these self appointed social justice warriors are nothing more than scared kids that want to do something meaningful in a world that doesn’t need them because they aren’t innately special they way they have been led to believe. It’s a desperate cry for relevance in a world that they don’t truly understand. To get that sense of self importance, they will climb over the marginalized they claim to speak for – because it’s about their bruised and battered egos, not some mythical ‘systemic racism’ that defies reason.

The Sixties are over – and it’s for the best. Truth was, although there were real causes to fight for back then, most of those snot nosed brats were following their own search for meaning and the nearest drug dealer. Once Mom and Dad stopped funding them, they starved for a few months then got off their butts and got jobs – and a real education that college hadn’t prepared them for.

We survived the Me generation. We will survive the We generation. But we’d be stronger as a nation if we let folks speak for themselves and stopped listening to attention seeking college kids.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!