Where Are The Remaining Stranded Americans?

The current administration claims that only about 100 Americans are still in Afghanistan and in hiding. Rescue organizations on the ground place the number near to 1000. Which estimate is correct is immaterial – the question is what is being done by the Biden administration to secure the safe return of the Americans the administration stranded behind enemy lines?

Ten or ten thousand – we want ALL our people back. These are not people who chose to remain – these are the people that were abandoned. And while we are on the subject, ‘our people’ isn’t just our citizens. Those who befriended and assisted the United States for years deserve our protection as well.

It is no burden to us. Certainly not to an administration that is allowing tens of thousands of Haitians to enter the US illegally without the vaccinations that it insists American citizens need just to be allowed to have a job. What’s a few friendly Afghanis more?

If we had a competent administration and a president who was not literally suffering from dementia the task of sorting out friend from foe among Afghani refugees would be doable. As it stands, the reality is we will end up with hostiles among the friendlies – but that’s on us for allowing this farce of an administration to have ever occupied the White House.

Sure, there are other concerns. China has taken over the Bagram Air Basewhich China denied. If you believe China about this one, I’ve got some ocean front property in Tennessee I’ll sell you real cheap. So now China has all that lovely military hardware to play retro engineer on – this would make a really bad B movie, worse if you subscribe to the ‘Biden did it on purpose’ theory.

Oh, he did the withdrawal deliberately enough – but the handing over massive assets to the Chinese is most likely just incompetence. It’s getting hard to underestimate the incompetence of this White House. I would not be surprised if Biden was aiming for a two-fer – get the political heat off his back at home and give the Chinese a parting gift so they will be more accommodating down the line. Failed utterly on the first and way over did it on the second to the point that the Chinese Communist Party is simply contemptuous of Biden at this point.

Well, he managed to get the American people and the CCP to agree on something. I no longer bother with polling data – I strongly suspect the weighting is skewed by the elections and the samples are way too small for an electorate in flux – but who needs polls when we literally have entire stadiums full of people chanting something not repeatable in even semi polite society almost every weekend?

Yep, it’s a mess alright. But it’s not our first rodeo and we can overcome this disaster area of policy – once Biden is out of office. But those are problems for another day. Right now, we have a more important problem that we expect and demand a solution to immediately.

Bring our people home, Joe. Do at least that much right – or get out of that office.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!