
The disaster that is the Biden administration continues staggering along. In the meantime, we still have Americans and those Afghanis who trusted us stranded in Afghanistan. Jenn Psaki, the White House Press Secretary, chooses to play semantic games about whether or not people who want out and cannot get out have been ‘stranded’ by the grossly incompetent handling of the ‘evacuation’ by the Biden administration.

Nero isn’t fiddling while Rome burns – he seems to have opted to take a nap instead. No one is claiming to be in charge who has a legitimate claim to being in full position of his or her mental faculties so it’s anyone’s guess who the heck is actually calling the shots. The guy with the inability to answer press questions? The gal who laughs nervously and hides from the press? The Chief of Staff who seems completely AWOL? Mickey Mouse?

No one knows. It’s possible no one in the White House knows, either.

It would be comical if the crisis du jour were climate change (we old folks call those ‘seasons’) or the decreasing efficacy of a vaccine being given to millions of people who were never at risk nor a risk to others. We could just curl up on the couch and munch popcorn while our alleged Executive bumbled through yet another idiotic policy. As long as he’s not killing anyone…

But people are in very real danger and probably a number are already dead. Hard to be certain when the incompetent administration insists on relying on the enemy for information and our people’s safety. But the reports are already coming in of door to door execution squads searching for those who aided the United States.

The Biden administration is in disarray – and that’s probably an insult to disarray. They are the Keystone Cops of world governance. Enough is enough.

So WHEN? When do our people get safely out of Afghanistan? We’ll figure out the political fallout later – for now, we want to know exactly WHEN our people are coming home.

Nothing less than direct, honest answers to our questions will be accepted. Either we get real answers and real action or we will get another administration. Not eventually, not later – NOW.

So Mr. Biden, when are our people coming home?

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!