Well, I Got That One Wrong

If you believe anyone that comes in size human bats a thousand, I have some ocean front property in Tennessee I want to sell you cheap. But knowing that doesn’t make the crow taste any better. Pass the hot sauce – I was wrong.

I’ve never seen a nomination for the Supreme Court occur before the justice steps down. Nothing in the Constitution prohibits it to my knowledge – it just didn’t occur to me that Breyer’s replacement could be actually nominated nearly eight months before his retirement.

Hindsight being what it is, it makes much better sense – Biden desperately needs a win of some sort. Graham is in full RINO mode – I’m beginning to think this is the reason Biden didn’t wig out over Graham’s comments and lack of support for his old colleague. A little cloakroom deal, perhaps?

Regardless, I got it wrong. Biden is planning to have his nominee named within the month. Looks to be a woman out of North Carolina – although there are other contenders. Observers are expecting Senate confirmation.

I’m not quite ready to go that far. Graham supporting the nominee isn’t written in stone (although highly probable as of this writing) and Manchin still faces having to go back to West Virginia so there is an upward limit on the lunacy that he can safely vote for. I suspect Sinema will support the nominee (shy of the person being a raging loon). Are there enough RINOs to get a first draft pick? I’m still dubious on principle but I don’t have enough particulars to work from just yet.

These predictions would be so much easier if there weren’t people messing everything up by doing things I didn’t think they would. Come to think of it, politics would be a lot less complicated if it weren’t for all the people. A lot less interesting, too.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!