We Pay for This Homeland Security Department Why, Exactly?

I worked 18 years in Disease Control. I’ve transported many HIV and some TB patients in my personal vehicle – and never thought twice. The tuberculous Disease Intervention Specialists didn’t wear masks – why should an STD DIS? I stayed home when I even thought I was sick – because that really can be dangerous to HIV patients – but otherwise, we didn’t need no stinkin’ masks – and never used them.

I say that because I realize I’m not nearly as afraid of a virus as other people are – that’s not because I’m so smart or they’re so dumb but because I worked around highly contagious, deadly diseases. It changes your perspective.

To be very, very clear – if you’re afraid of C19 it’s okay. You may be in a high risk group in which case it’s a good thing to be very careful of it. You may just be afraid of illness – some people are. No one is a bad person just because they are afraid of something I’m not afraid of.

We’ll talk about risk assessment some other time – being needlessly afraid can be worse for your health than the disease you’re afraid of – but for now, back to the Department of Homeland Security which is evidently grossly overpaid.

Why, you ask? Well, despite the fact that we’ve known publicly about the delta variant for months it came as news to DHS. They were also caught off guard nine months after the ‘wait in Mexico’ policy was overturned and the first part of the border crisis began by the number of people showing up on our borders after our chief exec gives such mixed messages that migrants without visas thought it’d be perfectly okay to stroll across our southern border. Stupidity of the policy aside – it’s kind of DHS’ job to predict really obvious threats and counter them.

Oh, that can’t be true, you say? The following is from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas:

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas acknowledged on Monday that approximately one out of every five migrants entering the country illegally have an “illness.”

The DHS chief did not specify whether the illness he was referring to was COVID-19 during his speech at the virtual Immigration Law and Policy Conference. But he noted in his remarks that the rise of the COVID-19 Delta variant caught him off guard and that amid a pandemic, the U.S. immigration system is not capable of handling a rapid influx of migrants.

“We are confronted with a population of people that, as a general matter, have a rate of illness of approximately 20%,” Mayorkas said, according to the Daily Mail. “When one is speaking of 7,000 or 7,500 people encountered at the border every day, if one takes a look at that system, it is not built for that in a Covid environment where isolation is required.”

“What I didn’t expect was the tragic rise of the Delta variant,” the secretary noted, adding, “We took a step back by reason of that. I did not expect to be in late September where we are.”

The Blaze

He goes on to equivocate about whether or not they were sick with C19. Incidentally, over 12,000 migrants – illegal aliens – have been released inside the US.

Basically, if all that mask wearing worked, it is now all for nothing as new cases are being introduced. If you have been vaccinated in the last five months, you should be fine (assuming the vaccine doesn’t make you grow a third eyeball in 20 years, but for now, you’re fine). More than five months and no booster – talk to your doctor – I’m not charging you $150 for my opinion so obviously I’m not a doctor. Quit watching CNN and go talk to the grumpy guy in the white coat.

But as to the national statistics – gee, wonder why we have a surge in new cases all of a sudden, hmmmm?

We PAY these idiots to keep the homeland – you know, OUR COUNTRY – safe. You feeling safe right about now?

Nancy is still trying – and failing – to get her 3.5 trillion budget. Well, I can think of a line item she can strike in order to get an extra $50,000,000 to $60,000,000 real quick.

While we’re defunding things, how about we start with every Cabinet level office since 1900 and most of the Congressional staff? At the very least, can we get rid of both the FBI and this incompetent piece of junk?

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!