We Have the Power!

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With apologies to He-Man fans, He-Man isn’t the power, we are!

The next couple of months are going to be fun in a riding a bucking horse sort of way. The Lamestream media is going to go all out to convince you, Gentle Voter, that the tide has turned and the Democrats will survive, if not reign supreme. The Establishment knows best and will take care of everything so just get all discouraged and stay home.

It would be refreshing if they would be that honest about it. Nevertheless, the Leftstream will stop at nothing to stop the hemorrhaging of support and power. They will be in full cry about the evils of the Trump which plays well to their base. They will also shout from the rooftops any and every tiny bump a Democrat gets in the polls while lamenting long and hard the strong shifts to the Right.

Social media will be a minefield of cancellation while any criticism of the Left will be derided as unfair cancellation. Yep, pretty much business as usual for the Left Coast Elites except that it will be on some serious steroids.

Shy a legitimate miracle from the God that they don’t believe in and don’t want anyone else believing in, the Democrats will lose the House by a huge margin. The conservative estimate has them losing the Senate now too, just barely. My estimate is they lose both by much bigger than predicted margins.

If you haven’t already you’ll soon hear all about the record low unemployment. I hope this is true but the devil is in the details. Unemployment only measures those looking for work, not the self employed, underemployed or the despondent who’ve given up. The young people I know have had a hard time finding work in the last few months as employers advertise but seem to have already filled positions.

That’s not necessarily something shady – they’d see the same thing if there were a large labor pool trying to get hired. But that should show as unemployment – unless the little fry have been pushed out by older, more skilled workers coming back into the workforce, as I sadly suspect. Still, I can easily be wrong and hopefully am.

Yeah, yeah, low unemployment helps Biden – so what? It helps the poor a lot more and getting people back to work is more important that Biden’s party gaining half a point. So yeah, I hope I’m wrong and unemployment is really low. It’s not certain yet. But I think I’m right and it’s not a reflection of more people working but fewer believing that they can get work. That hurts workers, the economy and especially the Democrats.

Not that it really matters for the midterms – inflation has definitely hit. Gas prices down to $3.50 / gallon are still nearly $2 / G more than we were paying at the pump in 2020. Lower buying power hits everyone and no one likes it. No one buys that this is somehow Putin’s fault – it’s all getting leveled at Biden.

Then there are the 87,000 new IRS agents to be hired because evidently the Democrats think voters are stupid enough to believe they will only audit the rich – or that redefining middle class incomes as ‘rich’ is somehow okay. Hint: nope.

Trump bashing is in full force. I’m coming around to the position that the FBI was more interested in what Trump might have had on the Deep State than on what incriminating documents they might find. Garland will drag his feet but that affidavit will end up public and the whole mess will blow up again. Can he hold out until November 9? I doubt it.

But the media will be feeding on a carcass of Orange Man Bad for the rest of the next three months. What little good will the low unemployment might garner will be destroyed by the backlash against what it obviously a witch hunt. Jonathan Turley is being measured and circumspect in his response – I respect that – but even he, noted liberal that he is, is having a hard time squaring this circle.

Yeppers, it’s going to be a wild ride. Do you know why?


That’s right, you, Gentle Voter. You are the reason for all the hoopla, insanity and gnashing of very straight, very white teeth. For all the hysteria about the Deep State and the media and elites taking over the country and world, some of which is justified concern, the honest truth is voters still matter and still have the power to toss ALL the bums out.

Nor is Trump the only hope – far from it. Big Tech might gum up the works but they can only do so much to stop donors from supporting candidates directly. This is HUGE. What makes Trump dangerous is that he is independently wealthy and has no financial chains to keep him in line. Imagine what happens if candidates can just get funds from voters easily and directly rather than candidates being beholding to corporations and government. And that is something voters can make happen.

Congress is slow and ornery but it is responsive to what voters DO. Bought and paid for candidates aren’t stupid. When they see voters actively voting against their corporate overlords, they suddenly support legislation they wouldn’t have otherwise. It sounds much easier than it is, but it does happen.

In the modern vernacular, the Voters are about to do a thing. A BIG thing. The midterms are likely to destroy the Democrat Party and shake Congress to its core. That’s not some slick politician or big time CEO – that’s you, Gentle Voters. Your power can shake the foundations of this country and make its elected officials all take careful notice – or find other jobs. Your power controls the fate of these United States.

Little wonder the media wants you to stay home, all discouraged and sure that America’s best days are behind her. Well, snap out of it! You ARE America, Good Voters! You are the ones that decide what America will or will not be.

So draw that big ol’ sword, tell He-Man to step aside and holler to the sky, “We ARE THE POWER”! The American Voter is about to show this world something special! We decide what our best days are!

See y’all November 8!

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!