Trump V. DeSantis: A Media Love Story

The weird thing is that the Lamestream doesn’t seem to realize its fascination with trying to hype up the alleged conflict between Trump and DeSantis is actually benefitting both.

Yes, I know it’s February 24th and the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia can continue ruining itself without my help today. It matters, but the most significant thing about how today went is how much of a whimper it was. Russia be big on anniversaries so many observers expected some kind of offensive. Well, they got one but technically, a military offensive should be, I dunno, more offensive. I’d feel like I was kicking a sick puppy by picking on Russia today.

So let’s go play in one of my favorite sandboxes – US electoral politics.

The Lamestream Media wants a Trump/DeSantis row so bad they can taste it. I thought they were going to hurt themselves a week or so ago when Trump attacked DeSantis. And then when DeSantis did nothing that pretty much fizzled.

I have to give it to DeSantis, he’s playing a very good game. Do I think he’s planning a 2024 run? Nope, he’s clearly not a moron. Splitting the party would enrage Trump’s supporters and many if not most of DeSantis’ own – even the one’s that want him to be the nominee. A full on fight for the nomination against Trump probably results in a Democrat in the White House no matter who the Republicans end up nominating and DeSantis knows it.

That said, he’s well positioned should Trump decide against running – or get hit by a bus which is substantially more likely. But in the event Trump doesn’t run, DeSantis can step into the frontrunners lane with no trouble at all. That’s because he’s got enough sense not to let Trump rile him into a bad move.

Trump is understandably sensitive and characteristically aggressive. Not his best traits, really, but if he feels DeSantis is after his job, Trump won’t hesitate. DeSantis and the entirety of the rest of the planet knows this. In that event either Trump wins – quite possible as it’s his forte – or Trump will take them both down. He isn’t big on ‘quit’.

So why did Trump seem to back off? I’d bet dollars to doughnuts DeSantis’s team reached out and made some conciliatory noise to Trump’s team, reassuring them that DeSantis is not presently planning a run in 2024. I doubt it was a promise not to run but pretty strong assurances that something drastic would have to happen for DeSantis to change his mind.

I also doubt this will be the last time Trump disparages DeSantis. It’s how Trump runs and as far as anyone can tell, DeSantis is Trump’s only real competition for the nomination. But I also doubt DeSantis will lose his cool and let things escalate. One, because DeSantis is smarter than that and two because DeSantis has his eye on 2028.

Then why not make a public announcement, you say? Dear naïve child, how sweet and silly. Why would Trump or DeSantis waste free PR? Letting the media run wild with its speculations keeps both Trump and the Republicans, including DeSantis, in the public eye. Do you know who will run for the Democrat nomination? No? Neither do they but everyone is already taking bets on the Republican primaries because the Lamestream Media can’t shut up about Trump and DeSantis.

You can’t buy that much air time. Okay, maybe Trump could but even his war chest would be broken if he did. The ‘will he, won’t he’ tension dovetails nicely with the expected explosion of the Republican Party when the two titans clash. They just need Yul Brenner and it’s a movie with everything!

Beats sitting through a Biden speech or any more of White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre‘s increasingly bizarre press conferences, at the very least. The delusional hope that Trump will implode his own campaign in a tiff with DeSantis gets its daily dose of vitamins as a big bonus. The Lamestream Media needs their security blankets too, you know.

No, DeSantis won’t bow out until the absolute last minute. Letting the Lamestream Media speculate only helps the Republicans at this point. It takes all the wind out of the Democrat primaries and those desperately need some wind. If DeSantis and Trump exchange a few barbs, it won’t hurt and may help. As long as Trump doesn’t go off and DeSantis doesn’t lash out, this is nothing but good for both.

I suspect they both know it. We’re seeing more of the old Trump lately but he’s still been rather tame with DeSantis. He’s not the kind to pussyfoot. But Trump is the kind to play the game. There’s danger in that – Trump can take things too far and the media will run with anything they can gin up. But it’s not Trump’s first rodeo. It’s just possible – I’m speculating here – that the Trump and DeSantis camps are deliberately stringing the media along.

As I said, I think DeSantis’ eye is on 2028. Trump can mess that up royally or he can all but guarantee the 2028 nomination. DeSantis is well aware and I think he’s taking the smarter course. Let Trump have 2024 and support the effort. In return he’s hoping Trump selects a less than stellar running mate.

What do you mean why? Trump’s 2024 VP won’t be Mike Pence. Pence would be great for DeSantis because he’s old and unelectable. He likely wouldn’t run in 2028 even if he were VP, which he won’t be. No, Trump will select someone else for the second slot in the ticket.

Of course not DeSantis! Did you flunk American History in high school? Trump can’t select DeSantis because they are both from Florida. The President and Vice President can’t be from the same state. We had a whole constitutional amendment and everything!

I am not explaining why not. At least not now. Look it up.

Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, DeSantis wants Trump to select the most lackluster VP since Adlai Stevenson. Don’t know who that was? That’s exactly why DeSantis wants someone like Stevenson. DeSantis doesn’t want a punishing nomination battle with Trump now or with Trump’s VP in 2028. Trump can help by selecting someone with all the appeal of paint and who would be unlikely to even run.

Fortunately, the Republicans have dozens of prospects to fit that bill. Well, fortunately for DeSantis and Trump, not so much for the Republican Party.

In a perfect world DeSantis would just coast and let the media do all the work for him. But the world isn’t perfect and neither are either DeSantis or Trump. There may well be at least one dust up between them. The Lamestream Media certainly hopes so.

But I have a feeling they are going to be disappointed.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!