The World Isn’t Ending – Let’s Make it Better Anyway

Climate change is the stupidest term ever – what does the climate do BESIDES change? If you don’t happen to believe that humans can control the planet’s HVAC somehow you’re denying science? When did science become God?

Pull any study and I can pull five more – that it’s ‘peer reviewed’ just means there’s a lot of politicking in your science. What matters is Science, The Methodology – and if the methodology is decent then a study deserves consideration. If it can then be repeated a half dozen times more with even better methodology, then we’ve got Science, The (Very Probably) Correct. That Bob got through a four year degree and can suck up to a publisher isn’t the ‘science’ people think they are trusting.

So yeah, it gets complicated – don’t be so scared of complexity. If you can follow your favorite musicians, a score card, anything the NFL does on a weekend or any of a thousand other things you already do all the time, you are more than smart enough to understand the basics of scientific methodology – don’t let the fancy schmancy words scare you. It just boils down to ‘is this a fair test’ and ‘that was great – does it have anything to do with the real world?” When you have ‘mostly yes’ answers to both questions, you have good science. Anything less is junk.

See? Wasn’t that easy?

You think I’m kidding but I’m not – it’s not the mountain that public schooling seems to make it into. Sure, not everyone is going to wanna climb Mount Science – but everyone can ski the bunny sloops just fine.

So if you want to figure out who’s telling the truth about the climate – look at the methodology. Temperature data has been collected for over 200 years – so the statistical trick of weighting is highly suspect when applied to temperature data. Weighting is used to try and correct for poor data sets – which can be valid and can be hilariously wrong – but temperature data is among the very best that Science, The Profession has to offer. If they need to weight that data, somebody isn’t doing this right.

Political activists like scaring people with numbers. That works because most of us are scared of the Math Monster. As of this writing there have been 5,018,976 C19 deaths worldwide (official numbers aren’t real numbers but they should be close – we’re going to pretend they are for now). That’s a lot of people and it’s absolutely tragic. It’s also 0.06 % of the world population.

Less than one percent – but what does that mean? Well, let’s compare it to something. As of this writing, there have been 53,657,725 deaths from all causes worldwide. That’s .68% of the population. And it’s still less than one percent. C19 deaths are over a 23 month time period. Deaths from all causes are from just the last 10 months – which means that there a relatively few C19 deaths overall and the total is less than ten percent of deaths worldwide.

Heart disease (16%) and stroke (10%) still top the list of leading causes of death worldwide – by a huge margin. Lower respiratory tract infection comes in at number 4 – C19 is included in this category – at 5% of all deaths.

I didn’t do anything particularly difficult or smart – I just knew what to comp-are it to. The media counts on most people not having a frame of reference for all the scary numbers – it scares the crap out of people and the media gets higher ratings. I very much blame public education for screwing up so badly that hundreds of millions of people are unable to see through that smokescreen.

Sure, C19 is a real disease and is really deadly when you are a vulnerable person. A tiny number of people will be vulnerable without knowing about it – but most of us either know or aren’t vulnerable to begin with. Less than 10% of the US population has had C19 as far as we know (it can go undetected but those cases aren’t infectious or deadly so they really aren’t a public health concern) – we have had worse flu seasons than that. Take your vitamins, exercise and talk to your doctor (preferably in the opposite order) – for most of us that’s really all we need to do. Doesn’t mean the virus isn’t real or that lives weren’t really lost – they were. But the sky isn’t falling – it never was.

Big Tech is becoming Big Brother. I’d love to say THIS is the real threat – but while it IS a real problem, this sky isn’t falling either. Politicians can be bought, sad to say, but they aren’t totally stupid, either – they will gleefully throw their former paymasters under any bus that’s handy if the public becomes annoyed enough. The dumb ones just get voted out – and we already see the handwriting on that wall. Problem that needs to be addressed, yes; end of the world, no.

The biggest threat right this minute is our own idiotic administration – and that problem is comically handling itself. Majority in BOTH Houses of Congress and they can’t get a budget passed – or even on the house floor. If it weren’t for all the damage that Brandon Biden is doing with his ‘executive orders’ anytime he happens to be in DC, this would be hysterically funny. If Jill Biden has any sense, she’ll get Joe to resign right after the midterms so that Harris is stuck facing all the poop flying off the fan.

It’s not the end of the world – but it’s a danged big mess. First thing we need to do is to stop being afraid of everything. Fear is the weapon wielded by our enemies – and it’s the easiest one in the world to take away from them. Stop trusting experts until you see that they at least have a proven track record – and even then, trust your own good sense more than the latest crisis du jour. It’s no different from regular life – that’s just silliness the media would have you believe – not all problems are crises, in fact, very, very few are.

You can put away the umbrella now, Chicken Little. But grab a rake – that tree has made a mess on the lawn and we have to put things to rights.

That’s our job as We, The People.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!