The Slow Collapse of an Administration

The strength of the American system of government is that it is slooooooooow. Really, really, mind numbingly sloooooow. The annoying part of the American system of government is that it couldn’t win a race with a dead snail.

Fast moving government is like a fiery horse – with major behavioral problems. It might be fun to watch some OTHER poor idiot ride that horse, but it is a misery to ride yourself. You can’t keep up – by the time you’ve gotten one bad behavior under control five more have developed. Then you find yourself scrapped out of the saddle, looking up at the lintel of the barn door debating whether or not to shoot that barn sour nag – if and when the planet stops spinning so fast.

A slow horse can be extremely annoying – spurs suddenly seem like a great idea – but annoying is far better than out of control.

What we have seen over the last ten years is the horse of government taking its head. It’s now almost completely out of control. Those charged with protecting our freedoms are taking them – it doesn’t matter why because that is only the excuse the horse is using to run amok.

We the People bear some of the responsibility. We got lazy. We were confident in our elections and those we elected – so we stopped paying nearly enough attention. Well, we’re paying attention now.

There’s an old adage that I’m not sure who first said it, but it goes “a Southerner will be polite, until they are ready to kill you.” If you’ve ever been in the South long you can see why that adage came about. But there is truth to it – manners are the glue of civility and highly valued here in the South.

In the modern South, it’s still common for people to be respectful of those in authority. Never in my 55 plus years have I ever heard a Southerner speak serious venom about a president – not even the one’s they really didn’t like. Oh, Southerners will tell you what they think – they’re just usually polite about the Office of the President. At least, mostly.

Two days ago Southerners were telling the whole world what they thought of the president. A crowd at the Talladega Superspeedway chanted a now sadly familiar profanity along with Joe Biden’s name. This has been going on across the country for weeks. It’s unprecedented in my lifetime for it to happen anywhere in the US – but the South? That’s not some random heckling – that’s a cataclysmic shift in support away from this administration.

The Biden administration is a complete train wreck – with apologies to train wrecks. Literally no signature legislation has gone through despite having both houses. Unconstitutional edicts, sure and undoing effective policies of the previous administration with disastrous results, check – real legislation to accomplish his platform promises – nope, nary a one.

The Federal budget isn’t even through the House of Representatives yet. That’s entirely due to party infighting and Pelosi’s inability to rein in the so called progressive wing of the Democrat party. Not sure why a group bent on driving off a political cliff is called ‘progressive’, but that’s a Democrat problem. The Republicans are sitting by letting the Democrats destroy themselves – which is saner than anything else going on in DC right now.

Now the Arizona audit is raising serious questions about the legitimacy of the 2020 election. The legacy media’s usefulness as a cover is aptly demonstrated by the NBC reporter at Talladega this past weekend who stated that the crowd was chanting ‘Let’s go, Brandon” over the audible and clearly distinct chants that included none of those words. “Let’s go, Brandon” promptly became a meme for – well, you know.

I feel bad for Brandon Brown – but on the bright side, no one will ever forget he won the 2021 race at Talladega. But only because his name has become a euphemism for a very impolite political slogan.

Each drop in the bucket – the border crisis, inflation, unconstitutional mandates, the debacle in Afghanistan – well, let’s face it, those are jets from a power washer, not just drips from a faucet. In our instant gratification culture, it seems like Biden is winning. But he’s not – every new mistake is another step closer to the now inevitable collapse of the administration.

Behind closed doors, the Democrats are fighting over the corpse. Biden’s supporters don’t want to lose power to Harris. Harris still wants to be president – it’s just a question of how big of a pile of poop she’s willing to be stuck with – and is lobbying the Cabinet if she has a brain in her head. Pelosi is preoccupied with the kindergarten she’s running in her own party, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she weren’t hoping that Harris will also fail, preferably before Biden resigns or is removed.

The looming threat of mass audits across the nation is an existential threat to the Democrat party – and one that they’ve probably already lost. Government moves slowly here ’bouts – but it does move. The audits don’t have to be done by a set date – this can and will drag on for a while and will likely drag down the Democrat party itself.

But the administration is already on borrowed time. I strongly suspect the polls are over-reporting Biden’s support. No popular support, no effective support in the courts, no real support in either House of Congress – the only thing this administration has going for it right now is occupancy.

And they don’t have an illegal eviction moratorium that can protect them from the American People.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!