The Left After Wokeness

Sigh, unfortunately, it’s not likely to go peacefully into that good night. Or even just get off the stage.

The inmates are running the asylum on the left and the Republican leadership has let them take this country along for the ride. That is about to come to a screeching halt as there won’t be another chance to interfere in the elections like in 2020. The midterms are promising to be a bloodbath for the Democrats. They have already seriously hurt the old guard Republican leadership. Four months is normally an eternity American politics – not this year.

What the left forgot is that people might be inattentive, but they aren’t stupid. Violent riots in such racist bastions as Portland, Oregon (try typing that with a straight face, I dare you), two dozen dead from the BLM riots, young women and girls cheated out of their hard earned sports victories, insanely restrictive and ineffective civil rights violations in the name of disease control, ridiculous mandates of woefully ineffective vaccines for the same reason, hardcore censorship across social media – it hasn’t really been a fun couple of years, has it?

The cherry on top is the obviously rigged 2020 election (a guy who hid in his basement most of the campaign got more votes that Barack Obame in 2008? Riiiiight, tell me another). Somehow, the American voter wasn’t supposed to peak behind the curtain and notice that all of these things were supported by Democrats. Just as well – the Democrats didn’t bother with a curtain.

Biden has blamed Trump and Putin and probably the kitchen sink for his administration’s abject failures. Were we not supposed to notice that Biden was the one that blocked the Keystone pipeline and has prevented all new domestic oil recovery? Oh, sorry.

Guess we weren’t supposed to notice sky high prices and the looming recession either, huh?

Estimates are now as high as 100 House seats to be lost by the Democrats. That’s an insanely high number. Any other year it would be nonsense. This year, I strongly suspect it’s too low.

Democrats won’t turn out in significant numbers. Their base might – but it’s hard to stay fired up over a single issue and right now, that issue is one of the worst – abortion. No one ever really liked the idea – that wasn’t a leftist loon or hadn’t thought the thing through. Many supporters were hesitant and actually supported a much more restricted version than they got. Those folks won’t be marching in the streets.

The majority of Americans don’t support abortion as it’s done now. The majority are actually pro-life when you get them to define when an abortion should be allowed – which is not done in polls that just ask whether or not you support the right to ‘choose’. Skewed results, anyone?

The Democrat’s far left loony base will be out in force – we’ve already seen them protesting in front of the homes of Supreme Court justices (allowed by AG Merrick Garland – wonder if he’s still mad about not being put on the Court?) – in underwhelming numbers. Despite the mad drumming of the mainstream media, this turkey is not going to fly – the abortion issue won’t save the Democrats.

I suspect it will actually hurt them – kinda hard to tell with their support in freefall.

The Ukraine War? It’s the only thing Biden’s handlers have done right but no, it can’t save him. Maybe if Russia surrenders and Zelensky came over and campaigned for the Democrats? Good luck with that – I’ll grant it might work, I just don’t see how it can happen fast enough.

But Biden has a 39 percent approval rating! And people wonder why I don’t trust polling. I doubt the real number is even double digits. The left is more than a little mad at Biden for not bringing about their leftist utopia – okay, maybe not that bad but Biden is an easy scapegoat for the idiots that elected a senile old man and assumed everything would be okay.

So, let’s assume I’m right – the bottom is going to fall out and the Democrats will implode as a political party. What next?

First, there will be a lot of new converts to the Republican party. These are the toadies that just want to stay in power anyway they can. Second there will be a few major splits in the Democrat factions – the Democrat ‘big tent’ is more like an over stuffed mattress that is about to explode. As factions lose power there will be an incredible amount of infighting to try and scramble together a coalition that can resuscitate the Democrat Party corpse. When that fails, they will rip each other to pieces.

Stay out to the way – never get in a fight between siblings. We’ll send in the cops as necessary but otherwise, what’s left of the Democrat factions will self destruct.

Now we get to the interesting part – reformation. It will have several iterations but you’ll only hear about the ones CNN and MSNBC like – assuming they survive (I give CNN a 30% chance and MSNBC 50/50). At least one will be progressive led. It’s going to be the fun one.

Wokeness is DOA. By that time, most progressives will know it. But they got a LOT of political capital from the woke movement and the crazies aren’t done. They want their primetime kiddie porn or other such abominations. The progressives want power and these will not mix. Unless the progressives can pull in some other supporting factions – unlikely since most factions already blame the progressives for the Democrat decline – they likely won’t have enough support to even get a seat at the new party’s table – and an albatross like the woke? That’s a death sentence for the progressive movement.

Mind you, as this is happening, the Republicans will be gleefully dismantling most of the crap the Democrats have done over the last couple of decades – because their base will have their heads if not. That makes the Republicans look more in charge – it will energize the leftist base to form a new party and will solidify Republican support for at least a decade or two.

Maybe more – Bannon could be right that this is a 1932 redux.

What’s a poor leftist party to do? Well, there’s only one thing for the hardcore leftists to do – go back underground. As conservatives win in the Congress, they won’t be any too tolerant of censorship or derision in the media. They will hate it, but the media will start to kowtow to the right – we’re already seeing some signs from CNN. All those conservative arguments get a fair shot in the public square and there will be an even further lurch to the right – which is overdue anyway.

In that environment, wokeness is just lunacy and leftism isn’t popular enough to gain any real traction. They can try again in a decade but I doubt they have that kind of self awareness even in the hardcore left. They are too close to a win to see that they are actually going over the cliff. They won’t know what happened when they wake up at the bottom and will just assume that more of the same hateful rhetoric disguised as tolerance will gain them the public ear.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

The party that emerges will be more to the left than the Republicans – but very, very strongly centerist. Simple reason is that’s the only left leaning party that will be able to compete with the Republicans at all for any seats whatsoever. Don’t get the wrong idea – the Republicans aren’t going to suddenly be all cool and popular – they just aren’t the Democrats and, if they are smart, it will really, really show.

Basically, whatever emerges from the ashes of the Democrat party will be much more closely aligned with the actual voters and not their crazy factions because that’s the only way to survive as a major American political party.

Don’t forget that, Republicans.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!