Ten Ways to Tell if You are a Democrook

10) You think it’s perfectly okay to lie, cheat and even steal if it benefits the Democrats but if Republicans so much as jay walk, it’s proof that they are evil.

9) You believe that watching any news source besides MSNBC or NPR makes you a Russian spy – and you’re beginning to doubt CNN.

8) You are convinced that the only way to save democracy is to ensure that only people like you can vote.

7) You have bumper stickers to save the whales, the environment, the rainforests, the gays, the blacks, the illegal immigrants, and you religiously replace your LGBQ etc. bumper sticker every time they add a letter but you belong to an HOA that excludes anything that even remotely smells of ‘affordable housing’ let alone ‘public housing’.

6) You fight every attempt to reform public schools but spend more than the median income to send your kids to private school.

5) You’re all for women’s rights, just not the right to compete fairly in their own sports leagues.

4) You sent more to BLM than you paid in taxes but you refuse to go into any neighborhood where blacks are more than 50% of the population because you are afraid of being robbed.

3) You supported defunding the police and hired private security for your home.

2) You are absolutely certain Trump is a racist but can’t figure out why so many black people support him.

1) You find out what black people think by watching MSNBC rather than actually speaking to an ordinary black person on the street – and you are black.


A) You fully support all four prosecutions of Trump despite being fully aware that they are all timed to interfere with the 2024 election and at least three are making America look like a banana republic – with apologies to banana republics.

B) You know full well Trump isn’t guilty but you don’t care as long as they ‘get Trump’.

For those listening in, or under forty, this won’t make sense but for everyone else, I believe the following pic sums up just how badly the Trump conviction is backfiring on Democrats.

(The orange barrel looking thing is the Road Runner’s leg.)

Congrats, you finally got Trump. Now, you’re going to get a WHOLE lot more than you bargained for, Democrooks.

See y’all in November!

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!

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