Tax Returns and Presidents

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The United States Supreme Court stayed a lower court ruling. Happens all the time. This particular stay will keep Congress’ greedy mitts off of Trump’s tax returns for at least another ten days. Yay – why do we care?

Well, first off, the premise for Congress’ subpoena keeps changing. At present, the idea is that Congress needs the returns to sort out how to handle presidential tax returns in the future. trouble is, they aren’t asking for any returns but Trump’s. Sure, he’s a billionaire and I would bet money that there will be something in those returns that will actually tick people off but that’s because so much is legally allowed that shouldn’t be given how much isn’t legally allowed.

If you haven’t guessed, I’m a flat taxer. I don’t think the progressive system is fair to anyone, but least of all poor people. The system is so overly complex that to take full advantage of it, you need expensive experts. Trump can afford them; Bob the cashier can’t. In trying to make sure rich people ‘pay their fair share’ the system has made sure that poor people pay more as a proportion of income.

Personally, I don’t care about Trump’s tax returns but Biden’s are another matter. Trump was in real estate for decades. Biden was in politics that entire time. Why is a lifelong politician a millionaire? I think that question is far more interesting. Auditing Congress in total should be a very, very interesting exercise in understanding government. You will note that neither party has ever called for such sweeping audits into the tax records of congressmen.

Nor will they. Congressmen rarely enter Congress as wealthy people and rarely leave it impoverished. Gee, wonder how that happens? Hint: think insider trading and lovely golden parachutes to cushy consultant jobs in industries that wouldn’t have ever hired them had they not gotten elected to Congress.

But instead, we’ve spent nearly six years and a few million in tax payer money trying to get Trump’s tax records primarily so the Democrats can use them politically. It’s a good political move. Tax law incenses the public like little else can and there’s bound to be some tax loophole that was perfectly legal but sounds perfectly awful that the Democrats can bash Trump with for the next several election cycles.

Assuming it would matter, which I doubt, it’s still a massive violation of the spirit of the law to use Congress’ subpoena power as a partisan political weapon. Probably violates the letter of the law as well, but they have to get the returns before that can of worms gets opened and Trump isn’t stupid enough to let them.

Because no one cares about Trump’s tax returns except Democrat loyalists and elites. It’s literally a fishing expedition where they aren’t even sure if the river has fish, let alone fish worth catching. Subpoenas aren’t supposed to be used for finding evidence that a crime occurred but to find evidence after the crime is established. Guess which one the Democrats are doing?

Trump is a billionaire! He must be a crook!

That logic would mean we should arrest the entire Congress and put them under the jails along with all of Hollywood and most people with the letters CEO behind their names. Sure, it sounds like a good idea but then you realize we’d have to clean up after them.

The glaring hole in the thing is that Congress hasn’t begun an investigation of the IRS. If Trump is nefariously cheating on his taxes, why hasn’t the IRS audited him? Or caught the problem since Trump has been audited in the past – a whole lot. So if Trump is this great crook, he had to have bought off the IRS, right? If the mean courts won’t let you have Trump’s tax returns, why not just investigate the heck out of the IRS until they cough up the goods?

Because this has nothing to do with actual tax evasion and everything to do with political gamesmanship. I can put it in fancier words but why bother? No one actually believes this nonsense any longer. The Democrat emperor is buck naked.

Years of nonsense and millions of dollars wasted by the people you and I elected to do our business. That alone is good reason to find anything other than a Democrat to vote for – as long as it’s on two legs and can read.

A country has to have its standards, after all.

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!