Bwahahahahahahaha! I swear, I thought about this possibility but would have had to edit a whole lot to include it in the earlier post and was way too lazy for that. Also, I’m slow enough as it is. But anyway, what a difference a day makes, huh? I did wonder if Putin was stupid enough to capitalize on the reduced intelligence that Ukraine was getting. Trump had made it crystal clear he wasn’t taking sides. The smart move was to … Continue reading “Putin’s Blunder”
Oval Office Meltdown – Much Ado About… Something?
So, that was fun, huh? I waited to do this blog because it’s almost never useful to analyze fast moving events. When events are going fast, it’s best to rely on real reporters (the few that still exist) and let events shake out if at all possible. That’s not to criticize commentators that weighed in earlier. I’ve found a lot of that commentary very useful. Special nods to Bill O’Reilly and William Spaniel (links provided below) for more measured and … Continue reading “Oval Office Meltdown – Much Ado About… Something?”