Posted on November 8, 2022November 8, 2022Categories MondayTags , , , , ,

Poverty with Chinese Characteristics

Xi Xinping is not an idiot. He is also not a capitalist or an opportunist. Not sure if he’s an ideologue, I kinda doubt it. He’s not power mad, or a raving lunatic. Cold blooded SOB is a given since he heads the CCP – it’s a prerequisite. Xi Xinping is not leading China toward greatness. He might or might not know that. He’s not going to be invading Taiwan anytime soon. He’s not a madman. Xi is what you … Continue reading “Poverty with Chinese Characteristics”

Posted on August 8, 2022August 8, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , ,

China’s Temper Tantrum is Not a Sign of Strength; It’s a Sign of Extreme Weakness

I suppose it’s not really a surprise when generations raised to literally believe that the sky is falling panic at the least sign of strife, domestic or international. Idiotic headlines of ‘Will Pelosi’s Trip to Taiwan Trigger World War Three’ and talking heads pontificating about the economic fallout certainly don’t help but it’s really the military response that’s scaring the pants off people. You can relax. This isn’t the start of WWIII. It’s just the Chinese Communist Party flailing about … Continue reading “China’s Temper Tantrum is Not a Sign of Strength; It’s a Sign of Extreme Weakness”