Posted on January 25, 2023January 18, 2023Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

Protecting American Freedoms is the Best Thing America Can do for the Rest of the World

Obviously. What? That’s not obvious to you? What they heck did they teach you kids in school? Can’t do math, can’t half read, can’t pay attention – How’d you end up worse than MY generation? Seriously, we grew up on Westerns and Tarzan, roaming the neighborhoods until dark, with permanently skinned knees, hyped on boatloads of sugar and watching way too much TV – we were supposed to be the space cases, not you kids! Do yourselves a favor, try … Continue reading “Protecting American Freedoms is the Best Thing America Can do for the Rest of the World”

Posted on August 22, 2022August 10, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

Ukraine and the Globalists

On the conservative side of the fence we have a large number of people convinced that support for Ukraine is linked to rescuing globalism from its death spiral. They have a point. I just think they’re wrong. On the pro side, NATO’s sudden revitalization does strengthen the globalist position. Ukraine really does have corruption problems internally. Putin had garnered a reputation for being a force for the so-called civilization state. Europe is tossing everything but the kitchen sink at Russia. … Continue reading “Ukraine and the Globalists”