Posted on January 4, 2023January 3, 2023Categories WednesdayTags , , ,

It’s About Our Future

America is the most consarned, ornery thickheaded mule of a nation-state ever when it gets that isolationistic bee in its bonnet. Dumbest question I hear conservatives ask is ‘why do WE have to be the world’s policeman’? Simple, it’s us or something MUCH worse. I’d be amazed if we could convince Europe to take the job, let alone pony up for the necessary military costs. However, do we really want the folks that brought us not one but two world … Continue reading “It’s About Our Future”

Posted on October 4, 2022October 4, 2022Categories MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

Calm Down – This is Normal

I don’t mean the ‘new normal’. I mean normal. The half insane, scary as heck, what are they thinking behavior of not just Russia and China but the entire international community is the real normal. Those of you who can’t remember the Cold War have lived in the weird times. America was the big scary thing so everyone loved/hated it – including some Americans. Europe was preoccupied with becoming something never quite defined. Elites worldwide were convinced – or pretending … Continue reading “Calm Down – This is Normal”

Posted on May 13, 2022May 13, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , ,

Taking Our Ball and Going Home

The US is and probably always will be deeply isolationistic at its core. Conservatives at present claim that history – a recent reclaim from the liberals. Suddenly, we remember that Washington counseled against ‘foreign entanglements’. Not so suddenly, we decry the notion of being the world’s policeman. We have our own problems at home and we just want the world to go away. I say to my conservative brothers the same thing I said to our liberal, er, whatever their … Continue reading “Taking Our Ball and Going Home”