Posted on July 12, 2023July 12, 2023Categories SpecialTags , , , ,

Any Movie CNN Hates Must be Great!

Sound of Freedom, an independent film, is currently in theaters. It was number one in box office sales up against Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny on that movie’s opening weekend. That’s a testament to how good the Sound of Freedom is and how awful Disney’s version of Indiana Jones is. AMC has been accused of turning off the AC in theaters where Sound of Freedom was being screened. AMC has denied suppressing the movie. That might be more … Continue reading “Any Movie CNN Hates Must be Great!”

Posted on June 22, 2023June 22, 2023Categories WednesdayTags , , , ,

Istaphobes Don’t Care Anymore

It’s not like the word salad coming out of the Left means anything anyway. The whole ‘white guilt’ thing was past its expiration date. Besides being cringy as all get out it made no historic sense at all. A white man’s life expectancy in the interior of Africa in the Nineteenth Century was shorter than the life expectancy of a black man brought to the Caribbean, one year and three years respectively. Hint: Whites had help. Should modern Africans pay … Continue reading “Istaphobes Don’t Care Anymore”

Posted on July 27, 2022July 26, 2022Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

Speaking Truth to Power

Sounds like a great thing, huh? Telling powerful people the truth, whether or not they want to hear it. Only thing is, most of the people who lay claim to this are telling people who agree with them what they want to hear and only telling people who don’t have power over them what they don’t want to hear. Assuming that both haven’t heard it all before. It’s easy to make this claim, especially on social media. After all, the … Continue reading “Speaking Truth to Power”

Posted on June 27, 2022June 22, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , , , ,

The Left After Wokeness

Sigh, unfortunately, it’s not likely to go peacefully into that good night. Or even just get off the stage. The inmates are running the asylum on the left and the Republican leadership has let them take this country along for the ride. That is about to come to a screeching halt as there won’t be another chance to interfere in the elections like in 2020. The midterms are promising to be a bloodbath for the Democrats. They have already seriously … Continue reading “The Left After Wokeness”

Posted on May 18, 2022May 18, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , ,

Get Woke, Go Broke – Running a Political Party by Catering to the Mentally Ill

The Democrats are stuck. They spent more than thirty years and billions of tax dollars establishing that homosexuality was perfectly normal and that only the evil and backward would think differently in the face of Enlightened ScienceTM . Saint Obama granted their dearest wish (not really but kinda*) and sanctified Gay Marriage throughout the land. Yay, milk and cookies for everyone. Small problem, the Democrats have a very big tent full of very, very incompatible groups. Many of those were … Continue reading “Get Woke, Go Broke – Running a Political Party by Catering to the Mentally Ill”