No, of course not. Seriously, you have got to stop watching only action adventure movies. Well, sure, they’re the best but Man does not live by shoot ’em ups alone. Need some more fiber in that diet. No, you’re not going on a documentary diet. What kind of a fiend do you take me for? But we do need to round out your media diet so that you stop expecting that one hero will save the world. At least pay … Continue reading “Will Trump Save the World?”
America Doomed or Party System Shift?
The latter. You can quit panicking now. Have a nice day. What do you mean you don’t understand? You don’t know what a party system shift even is? What are they teaching in graduate level Poli Sci nowadays? Oh, right. Not everyone took those classes. Which is a condemnation of the edumacation system. Seriously, this happens fairly regularly in American politics. It’s a feature, not a bug. You’d think they’d mention this in History and American Government in middle school … Continue reading “America Doomed or Party System Shift?”
Is Trump Going to Win Big?
My best assessment is that the race is his to lose. I think Trump would have to actively sabotage his own campaign to lose at this point. However, last I looked, I am not omniscient so I could, in fact, be wrong. Not that I’m going to let that stop me. If you wanted omniscient, you’d be praying to the Almighty, not reading my little blog, or watching a silly eagle in a BBQ apron while I ramble on. Now … Continue reading “Is Trump Going to Win Big?”
Why Are the Democrats so Desperate?
Okay, let’s get the important stuff done first. I was wrong about the debate – it was pretty lackluster. For political junkies it had lots to chew on but normal people probably found it kinda so-so. Harris performed better than expected – a lot better – and Trump showed a couple flashes of anger. He’s more entertaining on Twitter. Can’t get ’em all right. But owning one’s mistakes is the first step to not making the same stupid ones again. … Continue reading “Why Are the Democrats so Desperate?”
Who’s Winning Now? Harris or Trump?
Technically, neither. The election is November 5th. No one wins until votes are counted. Sure, I’m being snarky – it’s my schtick – but it brings up a valuable point to remember: only votes count. All else is hot air. That includes your beloved polls, my snarky commentary, the endless talking head parade on a variety of media, rally size or lack thereof, donations whether big or small, the whole campaigning shebang. All of it is just noise. At the … Continue reading “Who’s Winning Now? Harris or Trump?”
Is Trump Going to Win?
I wrote a post with this title back in May. Things happened and I didn’t get around to publishing it. You can find it and the audio at the bottom of this page. Sorry, audio and video folks, you can only see it on Quill Sword dot net, link in the description. It’s probably worth a read but you’ve already seen the ending. Back in May, my answer to the question of whether or not Trump will win was probably. … Continue reading “Is Trump Going to Win?”