Bwahahahahahahaha! I swear, I thought about this possibility but would have had to edit a whole lot to include it in the earlier post and was way too lazy for that. Also, I’m slow enough as it is. But anyway, what a difference a day makes, huh? I did wonder if Putin was stupid enough to capitalize on the reduced intelligence that Ukraine was getting. Trump had made it crystal clear he wasn’t taking sides. The smart move was to … Continue reading “Putin’s Blunder”
Oval Office Meltdown – Much Ado About… Something?
So, that was fun, huh? I waited to do this blog because it’s almost never useful to analyze fast moving events. When events are going fast, it’s best to rely on real reporters (the few that still exist) and let events shake out if at all possible. That’s not to criticize commentators that weighed in earlier. I’ve found a lot of that commentary very useful. Special nods to Bill O’Reilly and William Spaniel (links provided below) for more measured and … Continue reading “Oval Office Meltdown – Much Ado About… Something?”
9 – 0 ! The Constitution WINS!
The United States Supreme Court just handed down a rare unanimous and per curiam decision in the Colorado case attempting to remove Donald Trump from the ballot in which the Court reversed the Colorado Supreme Court. Fancy words for the Supreme Court smacked the Colorado Supreme Court hard. Not only will Trump be on the ballot, the Court in no uncertain terms told Colorado and the rest of the States that they do NOT have the power to determine who … Continue reading “9 – 0 ! The Constitution WINS!”
Will Trump Destroy Ukraine?
Nope. See y’all next… You guys are really into details aren’t you? Okay, from the top. Trump is a businessman and a deal maker. He might not like a given policy but he’s not going to sacrifice all the assets just to dump the policy. If he were going to do stupid stuff like that he’d have pulled out of Afghanistan as disastrously as Biden did. Trump isn’t going to miss a good opportunity for a deal. So yes, he’s … Continue reading “Will Trump Destroy Ukraine?”
Open Letter to DA Alvin Bragg
Dear Alvin, First off, thanks for taking time from your busy job of not protecting the people of Manhattan from rampant street crime. You have your hands full, we know, trying to convince your constituents that they are better off without any of that tiresome prosecution of criminals. That makes your contribution to our cause so much more meaningful. We admit, we were a little concerned when you were running for the District Attorney position, what with all that ‘I’ll … Continue reading “Open Letter to DA Alvin Bragg”
Biden Who?
You know, that guy that stays in the White House occasionally and has a badly messed up kid? The guy 81 million people allegedly voted for after he hid in his basement during the campaign. Yeah, him. Is it just me or has Biden been amazingly unimportant? He managed to screw up Afghanistan, there is that. Oh, yeah, and there was, rather is, all that censorship and Orwellian disinformation board stuff. Trying to enact some sort of abortion law that … Continue reading “Biden Who?”
Good Grief, That Nosedived Fast!
This is a rare supplemental update so it won’t be uploaded as a podcast or video. My best understanding as of this writing is that the case against Trump in the Stormy Daniels matter has disintegrated. That’s impressive as it was already in ashes. The short version is Cohen’s lawyer had written a letter in 2016 on Cohen’s behalf expressly stating that Trump was not aware of the $130,000 transaction. Cohen was the star witness, and convicted perjurer, to the … Continue reading “Good Grief, That Nosedived Fast!”
Tax Returns and Presidents
The United States Supreme Court stayed a lower court ruling. Happens all the time. This particular stay will keep Congress’ greedy mitts off of Trump’s tax returns for at least another ten days. Yay – why do we care? Well, first off, the premise for Congress’ subpoena keeps changing. At present, the idea is that Congress needs the returns to sort out how to handle presidential tax returns in the future. trouble is, they aren’t asking for any returns but … Continue reading “Tax Returns and Presidents”
Why do They Hate Trump?
Short answer: he has no leash. I don’t just mean that he can’t control himself on Twitter – which isn’t really true. He controls himself just fine. He just trolls the heck out of his opponents. Let’s face it. Donald Trump is no one’s idea of the Washingtonian presidential ideal. But it’s also no longer the Eighteenth Century, sad to say. Still, Trump’s public persona is brash and biting. It’s easy to see why he has detractors on that score. … Continue reading “Why do They Hate Trump?”
Mar-A-Largo Raid and Democrat Self Destruction
Congratulations, Democrats. You’ve taken a disastrous year and managed to make it worse. The average Democrat was already demoralized and disconnecting from your increasingly insane party. That alone pretty much ensured a massive loss in the upcoming midterms. Those who still identify as Independent are also less enthralled with the Democrats than ever before. I have been saying for a while now that the Democrat Party is heading for a total collapse. I’d already expected it to happen sometime after … Continue reading “Mar-A-Largo Raid and Democrat Self Destruction”