Posted on January 28, 2023January 28, 2023Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , ,

Ism Spectrum

We political scientists like to classify things. Put nice labels on it and shove it on the shelf where those things go – very scientific. Makes ’em easier to categorize so we can do statistics! Yeah, it annoys the heck out of the statisticians but what do they know? They were the ones that came up with the whole ‘stick everything in a category’ thing. Add science to politics and sausage making – things no one really wants to know … Continue reading “Ism Spectrum”

Posted on August 26, 2021August 26, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , ,

Statistical Musings

In 2008, Barack Obama claimed 69,498,516 votes out of a total of 131,313,820 cast. He was a popular candidate in an exciting election and turnout was high. In 2020, Donald Trump garnered 74,216,154 votes of the 158,383,403 total. He was a popular incumbent in a hotly contested election. Turnout was extreme. In 2020, Joseph Biden received 81,268,924 votes of the total cast. He was not popular, barely campaigned for most of the summer and didn’t have a strategically important running … Continue reading “Statistical Musings”