Posted on December 21, 2022December 21, 2022Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , , , , , ,

Why Governmental Politics Matters

Okay, for those of you who are wondering, yes, there are types of politics that don’t involve government. All politics really is is the process of groups of people making decisions. So when you and your friends spend ten minutes deciding between Italian and Chinese, you’ve participated in a political process. But what those idiots in Washington do, that’s different, right? Nah, more power and a lot more rubber chicken, but not really any different at its core. There’s the … Continue reading “Why Governmental Politics Matters”

Posted on January 4, 2022July 17, 2022Categories 2022, SeriesTags , , , , , , ,

Finding Primary Candidates – State School Board

You’re beginning to wonder why you should even care anymore, right? This government stuff is BORING. That is the important stuff. If it’s exciting enough to make the nightly news – or cable – it’s already a big mess. Media concentrates on the car crashes and train wrecks – not the stop lights and switches. But preventing the bad stuff that gets in the news happens at the stop light – the boring stuff – not once the sirens are … Continue reading “Finding Primary Candidates – State School Board”

Posted on December 31, 2021December 31, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Finding Your District – State School Board

Okay, this is probably where you will stop feeling overwhelmed and start being ticked off. At least it is in Alabama – and likely similar issues occur in most states. You live in multiple districts – Federal congressional, state legislative (in Alabama there are separate House and Senate districts) and state school board, if you’re lucky are the only major ones. To be fair, they should be the major categories in most states – but I’m still feeling peevish with … Continue reading “Finding Your District – State School Board”