Posted on February 9, 2022July 17, 2022Categories 2022Tags , , , , , ,

Well, I Got That One Wrong

If you believe anyone that comes in size human bats a thousand, I have some ocean front property in Tennessee I want to sell you cheap. But knowing that doesn’t make the crow taste any better. Pass the hot sauce – I was wrong. I’ve never seen a nomination for the Supreme Court occur before the justice steps down. Nothing in the Constitution prohibits it to my knowledge – it just didn’t occur to me that Breyer’s replacement could be … Continue reading “Well, I Got That One Wrong”

Posted on January 27, 2022July 17, 2022Categories 2022Tags , , , , , , , ,

The First Black Woman on the United States Supreme Court

Which one will it be? Okay it’s kind of a trick question – Justice Breyer’s retirement isn’t until October. The nomination fight could be as early as October which would probably be next to impossible to get Senate approval since Manchin would like a fighting chance in November. A fight after the midterms but before the new Congress (November – January) would be the best chance the Democrats have of getting a nominee through – except that the Republicans will … Continue reading “The First Black Woman on the United States Supreme Court”