Posted on March 10, 2023March 10, 2023Categories 2023, Current, FridayTags , , ,

Defeatism is Self Defeating

That title, boys and girls, is what we call a tautology. Basically, it is self evident and doesn’t progress an argument. You can safely forget ever hearing that definition unless you plan to do formal argumentation or are philosophy geek already commenting on how bad that definition of tautology is. Yeppers, that title is a tautology. It’s of course a true statement. But unlike a formal argument, sometimes folks just need to hear the obvious spoken aloud. I am in … Continue reading “Defeatism is Self Defeating”

Posted on August 12, 2022August 10, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , ,

What Are You So Scared Of?

Is it just the kids today? I don’t think so. Boomers had similar issues with risk avoidance in the 1980’s but they had also been through the stagflation of the 1970’s. That at least explains part of the Boomer’s risk aversion. But not all of it. Truth is, we grew up in a much more comfy, modern and entertaining world than our parents did. Our parents were convinced TV would rot our brains. Given what happened in the 1960’s, they … Continue reading “What Are You So Scared Of?”