Posted on November 21, 2022November 21, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , ,

The Post Russo-Sino World, Part II

Okay, when last we left our hypothetical, the world had NOT ended in a fireball. The US was busily trying to corral nuclear proliferation and both Russia and China had fully collapsed. Nation-states can multi-task. They aren’t great at it because humans aren’t, but unlike your Supermom, nation-states really do have many people who can be directed to do different things. This is a good thing because the US is gonna be really distracted, as it was in the Nineties, … Continue reading “The Post Russo-Sino World, Part II”

Posted on October 7, 2022October 7, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , ,

The Highly Successful Russian Mobilization

Oh, stop laughing – they have been incredibly successful in mobilizing their manpower. Estimates are that at least 300,000 men are already on the move. Oh wait, Forbes thinks it’s 700,000.* To other countries. As fast as they can. This might not have been quite what the Russian government had in mind when they instituted the mobilization. But it is definitely what they got, more men fleeing the draft than answering the call. Ukraine’s ‘I Want to Live’ hotline has … Continue reading “The Highly Successful Russian Mobilization”

Posted on September 19, 2022September 19, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , ,

When Nation-State Collapse is a Good Thing

Recently, a friend asked me if I understood what a collapse would mean for China. Short answer: yes. Long answer: as much as one can understand before such an event, I believe so, yes. My friend was aghast at the idea that China would collapse because of what it would mean for the people of China and the rest of the world. He’s not wrong to worry about such things but a better question is what happens if China doesn’t … Continue reading “When Nation-State Collapse is a Good Thing”