Posted on July 19, 2023July 19, 2023Categories WednesdayTags , , , , ,

Dear Ron, Told You So!

Seriously, Dude, what did you expect? Well, whatever, you now have a choice. Keep fighting a losing battle and damage your political prospects for 2028 or bow out graciously and become Trump’s biggest supporter. Stop looking at me like that! I told you NOT to run against Trump. Get mad at the idiots that egged you on, not me. Look, polls are crap, but they shouldn’t be double digits apart if you have any real chance. There shouldn’t be any … Continue reading “Dear Ron, Told You So!”

Posted on May 25, 2023May 25, 2023Categories SpecialTags , , , , ,

DeSantis Loses Launch; Huge Supreme Court Win for Americans

Ron DeSantis has launched his presidential bid to much laughter and derision. Seriously, Twitter? Rumble could actually manage such a huge stream but Twitter? Evidently, not. I’ve heard nothing good about the production or the optics. A DeSantis run is ill advised at best and he managed to face plant straight out of the gate. So far so bad. Trump is already on the attack. I’m anything but surprised. Trump plans to win. DeSantis doesn’t seem to have much of … Continue reading “DeSantis Loses Launch; Huge Supreme Court Win for Americans”

Posted on May 19, 2023May 18, 2023Categories FridayTags , , , , , ,

Dear Ron, Don’t Run

Good grief, who did DeSantis hire? His advisers are idiots if they think a 2024 run does anything but damage DeSantis’ 2028 chances. Was Hillary’s campaign advisor willing to work for peanuts or something? If so, he’s still overpaid. Dude, get real. Democrats would love for you to run – as a spoiler. You do have potential to do that much. You don’t have the moxie – yet – to take the nomination from Trump. Trump supporters as well as … Continue reading “Dear Ron, Don’t Run”