Posted on August 26, 2022August 18, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , , , ,

We Have the Power!

With apologies to He-Man fans, He-Man isn’t the power, we are! The next couple of months are going to be fun in a riding a bucking horse sort of way. The Lamestream media is going to go all out to convince you, Gentle Voter, that the tide has turned and the Democrats will survive, if not reign supreme. The Establishment knows best and will take care of everything so just get all discouraged and stay home. It would be refreshing … Continue reading “We Have the Power!”

Posted on June 29, 2022June 24, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , ,

Nobody Loves Science

No one. At all. Not even the geekiest science nerd ever actually likes science. But, but,’ you say, ‘all the science shows and magazines and books and all the media talk about what science says! Surely that’s proof we’re in love with science!’ Nope. It proves that we love the stuff we study with science. Hey, planets, galaxies, dinosaurs and explosions are COOL! What’s not to love about astrophysics, paleontology, and good old fashioned chemistry? I mean, besides all the … Continue reading “Nobody Loves Science”