Hi, I’m back. Old and cranky just needed a vacation – and some extra vitamins. Didja miss me? Figures. Oh well. So, how are you liking the new Trump administration so far? Are you convinced Trump will fix everything or that Trump will destroy the world? Neither? EXCELLENT! Don’t get me wrong, I voted for Trump all three times. Okay, I admit I held my nose the first time but the next two were because I am convinced Trump is … Continue reading “Good Morning, America! How Are Ya?”
Trump vs. Biden: Get Your Popcorn!
Today’s the day. 9 pm Eastern. Trump and Biden meet for their first debate in Atlanta. Biden and two CNN moderators versus Donald J. Trump in the political knockdown, drag out of the week! You can catch it on CNN or Fox. You can also wait for the follow up coverage all over social media. CNN isn’t allowing livestream reactions. Gee, wonder why? Yes, that’s dripping sarcasm. Sorry about your shoes. Try white vinegar, cleans sarcasm right up. Okay, here’s … Continue reading “Trump vs. Biden: Get Your Popcorn!”