Posted on October 5, 2022October 5, 2022Categories WednesdayTags , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Did We Do It? Nord Stream Sabotage

Knowing only the public information I have access to right now, no. I’m extremely dubious that the US was involved. Let’s start with the elephant: Biden’s comments in February that the US could destroy the pipeline. The German Chancellor was right there. It was a joint press conference held February 7th. Reporters pestered Biden until they got a soundbite. It wasn’t even a very good one considering he said nothing about destroying the pipeline, just ‘ending it’. Germany did that … Continue reading “Did We Do It? Nord Stream Sabotage”

Posted on May 11, 2022May 11, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

Gnocchi and the Threat to Europe

Imagine for a moment that you are a grandmother, sitting in her little cottage outside Warsaw, finishing the last of your gnocchi and listening to the radio. It’s a lovely sunny day in Poland and you are just reminiscing about your life, remembering what it was like to grow up in a Warsaw Pact nation. Well, your momma’s gnocchi was a lot better than yours. Little wonder – she made it almost every day. You were married before you knew … Continue reading “Gnocchi and the Threat to Europe”