Posted on April 4, 2023April 4, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , , ,

Indictment: Trump

Jack Posobiec was wrong today. We have not seen the death of the Republic. Far from it. What we have seen is the suicide of the Democrat Party. Democrats who want to bother with the blame game should start with Obama. In legalizing gay marriage he put his ‘legacy’ over the Democrat Party’s stability. With the gay issues resolved, Democrats no longer had a convenient excuse to not deal with the issues of all the crazies they had accumulated under … Continue reading “Indictment: Trump”

Posted on September 23, 2022September 23, 2022Categories FridayTags , , , , , , , , , ,

Taking No Joy

This week I’ve talked a lot about nation-states and political parties in collapse. These are bad things even when they are likely to ultimately result in good. But as they happen, people get hurt. Lives are altered, destroyed and even lost. It hurts to see the organization you worked so hard for or really believed in crash and burn. At a bare minimum will be economic losses and disruptions. Anyone happy about any of that isn’t thinking too straight. Lately, … Continue reading “Taking No Joy”

Posted on September 9, 2022September 7, 2022Categories 2022, CurrentTags , , , , , ,

Polls: Finally Getting it Right?

July 17, 2022 When they work, poll’s are a great way to get the pulse of a group of people – or a whole population. When they don’t work, you get garbage. Right now, polls probably aren’t working – well, yet. There are two ways to know if a poll is really measuring what its supposed to measure. The first is to get a much bigger poll – we call them elections. The second is to match them up against … Continue reading “Polls: Finally Getting it Right?”

Posted on October 15, 2021October 15, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

What the World Needs Now is a Democrat Party Collapse

Doesn’t sound very nice – it’s worse when you put it to the music of the Jackie DeShannon hit. It hurts to hear the truth sometimes – but accepting the truth is the first step to recovery and you can’t accept what you haven’t ever heard. Political corruption, lying media and international incidents are what set off the Mexican American War (1846 – 1848). Barely makes the history text books these days but it was big news back then – … Continue reading “What the World Needs Now is a Democrat Party Collapse”