Posted on July 25, 2023July 25, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , ,

Winning is the Best Way to End a War

It amazes me that so many people forget the lessons of history so very quickly. We were all taught how foolish appeasement had been in the lead up to World War II. So why are so many so convinced that appeasing Russia will end any better? Mostly, because we stink at keeping up with current events that don’t involve celebrities and our favorite entertainment. Name off your ten favorite movies, no problem. Name ten wars going on in the world … Continue reading “Winning is the Best Way to End a War”

Posted on April 7, 2023April 7, 2023Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , , , , ,

Chicken Little Politics is not Finger Licking Good

Y’all remember that ‘Ok Boomer’ meme from a couple years back? Well, here’s you’re first grown up lesson as grown ups: careful who you mock because you will be on the receiving end eventually. Oh, we Boomers still love y’all and we do feel for you, but it is so incredibly funny watching Millennials and Zoomies freaking out and panicking because Russia decided to act like Russia and China still wants to rule the world. Actually, it’s hysterical. It’s almost … Continue reading “Chicken Little Politics is not Finger Licking Good”