Posted on March 27, 2023March 27, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , ,

NATO’s Back! And the World is More Complicated than Ever!

The world was always complex but being the biggest kid on the block means a lot of the block just avoids you. Not the best situation but it does simplify matters. Comes in handy when having to help sort out an entire planet but it also makes it pretty easy for us to be blindsided. I can remember in the Nineties being astonished that some Eastern European country was actually expecting Bob Dole, then candidate for president, to have an … Continue reading “NATO’s Back! And the World is More Complicated than Ever!”

Posted on December 23, 2022December 22, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , ,

It Ain’t About NATO

I know, normally I talk American politics on Friday. Well, that’s what I’m doing. Hang on, you’ll see – but first I need to kill off the stupid elephant in the room. To the best of my knowledge the ‘NATO expansion problem’ theory originates with Mearsheimer . I’ve heard him give one talk about it. It seemed a well reasoned position and he argued it compellingly. Before the invasion, it made a great deal of sense. It just happens to … Continue reading “It Ain’t About NATO”

Posted on September 27, 2022September 27, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , , ,

Mobilization. Are We Serious Yet?

Short answer: no. Long answer – oh please, as if war weren’t serious. If you’re not serious, don’t invade. Having the best military on the planet does you no good if the political war is already lost. I’m an American – ask me how I know and try to keep a straight face. In my political opinion, Russia lost this war on February 24, 2022, the day they were stupid enough to invade. Despite all protests to the contrary, Sweden … Continue reading “Mobilization. Are We Serious Yet?”

Posted on August 22, 2022August 10, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

Ukraine and the Globalists

On the conservative side of the fence we have a large number of people convinced that support for Ukraine is linked to rescuing globalism from its death spiral. They have a point. I just think they’re wrong. On the pro side, NATO’s sudden revitalization does strengthen the globalist position. Ukraine really does have corruption problems internally. Putin had garnered a reputation for being a force for the so-called civilization state. Europe is tossing everything but the kitchen sink at Russia. … Continue reading “Ukraine and the Globalists”

Posted on August 1, 2022July 27, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , ,

Russia and China, Frenemies Forever

Just because it’s not the end of the world doesn’t mean we can take our eyes off the ball. That’s important because international relations is just like a kindergarten but when nation-states throw tantrums they also throw very nasty things like bombs and bullets. I know, everyone is wringing their hands over the coming of World War Three and nuclear annihilation and monkey pox and every other impeding form of doom. You can stop now. It’s okay. There’s not going … Continue reading “Russia and China, Frenemies Forever”

Posted on July 11, 2022July 11, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , ,

Who’s Winning? Ukraine Versus Russia

No one, yet. All right, already, here’s the long version: We’re not even through the first quarter yet. Russia scored big at the kickoff but couldn’t hold out. Ukraine came back with a massive wave, taking the lead. But Russia went back to its old playbook and has started to gain yardage. It only took Russia three months to get a first down. If wars had nice, clean rules like football, we still wouldn’t be sure who was really doing … Continue reading “Who’s Winning? Ukraine Versus Russia”

Posted on June 4, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , ,

Cracks Forming in NATO?

Short answer: No. See y’all next time… Okay, okay, long answer: No, it’s just politics as usual. Frankly, I’m amazed it took this long. The problem is the leadership vacuum. There really isn’t a leader on the NATO side. Biden is, well, Biden. He has trouble getting his dog to follow him. Johnson is as close to a leader as NATO has right now as he’s gotten in front of a lot of the stuff that needed doing. He’s not … Continue reading “Cracks Forming in NATO?”

Posted on May 11, 2022May 11, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

Gnocchi and the Threat to Europe

Imagine for a moment that you are a grandmother, sitting in her little cottage outside Warsaw, finishing the last of your gnocchi and listening to the radio. It’s a lovely sunny day in Poland and you are just reminiscing about your life, remembering what it was like to grow up in a Warsaw Pact nation. Well, your momma’s gnocchi was a lot better than yours. Little wonder – she made it almost every day. You were married before you knew … Continue reading “Gnocchi and the Threat to Europe”

Posted on April 2, 2022April 2, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , ,

Nuclear Triad, NATO Expansion and Russian Security – or Lack Thereof

We already discussed the nuclear triad which is just an ominous way of saying that there are three flavors of nuclear warhead delivery: big ballistic missiles, nuclear armed submarines and nuclear armed bombers. All will spoil your lifetime. NATO expansion: unless you have been lost in the mountains for the last month, you’ve heard this term Either it’s a horrible evil plot by the nefarious West to reduce Russia’s border security or it’s an innocuous club that just accepted a … Continue reading “Nuclear Triad, NATO Expansion and Russian Security – or Lack Thereof”

Posted on March 28, 2022March 28, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

Ukraine Versus Russia: What it Means to the US

Short answer: if Ukraine falls it will predicate a geopolitical realignment that the US will have very little say in. The reason: Biden. If Ukraine survives, there will still be a geopolitical realignment but to a lesser degree and US power will remain in play. Probably despite Biden. Conclusion: If you don’t like military conflicts with Russia, don’t vote Democrat for the next decade or so. Now, for those who prefer some meat on the bare bones, there is no … Continue reading “Ukraine Versus Russia: What it Means to the US”