Posted on October 27, 2022October 27, 2022Categories WednesdayTags , , , , ,

Golly, The Polls Might Be Wrong Again?

Gee, how can that be? Okay, okay, less sarcasm, more explanation. There are several major factors and a host of minor ones. We’ll cover the majors. First, most polls aren’t done to actually measure voter preference. This is a feature, not a bug. MSNBC, CNN and FOX just want something to fill the dead space. Polls are quick, cheap and sound like something – without being easily checked. Well, at least most folks don’t know how. Five bajillion percent increase … Continue reading “Golly, The Polls Might Be Wrong Again?”

Posted on August 24, 2022August 24, 2022Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

On Your Mark!

The horses are turning for home! Okay, yeah, I just mixed the metaphor. But in a way, both are correct. The real midterm race begins now. But since the horses have been galloping around for the last eight months it’s also the final few furlongs heading into the election. Either way, this is where it gets interesting. Polls are still garbage. Media polls are big piles of garbage. But to the extent that they do still work when done by … Continue reading “On Your Mark!”