Posted on September 4, 2024September 4, 2024Categories MondayTags , , , , , , , ,

Will Israel Cost Harris the Election?

Nah, Harris is busily doing that all by herself. But her ineptitude on the crisis in Israel is making things much worse for her. Neither Michigan nor Minnesota are worth the kind of grief the Biden admin – including Harris – is creating for itself. Sacrificing millions of votes not only in this election but in contests to come for the sake a few hundred thousand that might or might not even vote is gross political incompetence. The Jewish vote … Continue reading “Will Israel Cost Harris the Election?”

Posted on August 2, 2024August 2, 2024Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , ,

Honeymoon or Nightmare? Harris’ First Week as Candidate

The new polls are out. They may or may not matter. Depends, with them being right on the heels of Biden’s ouster, the public’s opinion may not have caught up with the Democrat whiplash. But, since when are we going to let a little thing like commonsense get in the way of endless analysis? Well, if you watch any of the legacy media, commonsense has definitely lost. The Democrat cheerleaders like MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and even CNN are singing … Continue reading “Honeymoon or Nightmare? Harris’ First Week as Candidate”

Posted on July 25, 2024July 26, 2024Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , , , ,

Is Trump Going to Win?

I wrote a post with this title back in May. Things happened and I didn’t get around to publishing it. You can find it and the audio at the bottom of this page. Sorry, audio and video folks, you can only see it on Quill Sword dot net, link in the description. It’s probably worth a read but you’ve already seen the ending. Back in May, my answer to the question of whether or not Trump will win was probably. … Continue reading “Is Trump Going to Win?”

Posted on July 24, 2024July 24, 2024Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , ,

Biden Ousted by the Democrats: The Undoing of Democracy

Oh boy, what a difference a day makes, huh? Not really. It just looks that way since we are always working from less than perfect information. Okay, I normally just incorporate the educational parts of my commentary in the whole. Kinda like burying the medicine in a spoonful of sugar, albeit snarky sugar. Today, I’m going to divide this post into three parts instead. I’ll start off with the political analysis and the second part will be the issues around … Continue reading “Biden Ousted by the Democrats: The Undoing of Democracy”

Posted on July 14, 2024July 14, 2024Categories Current, SpecialTags , , , , , , , , ,

Will Biden be Removed?

I really hate these clickbaity titles and I hate even more that they are probably the most correct to use right now. Short answer: yes, no, maybe. Long answer: panicky parties are impossible to predict. Panicky, incompetent parties even more so. So, it’s been a week and a half since the debate, has my opinion changed? Nah. Biden has again refused to step aside and no amount of ‘political pressure’ is gonna blast him out of the big chair. He … Continue reading “Will Biden be Removed?”

Posted on July 14, 2024July 14, 2024Categories SpecialTags , , , , , , , , ,

A Word on the Attempt on President Trump’s Life

A person was shot and killed and a second is in critical condition today. First and foremost, all our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of today’s assassination attempt. We also are grateful that President Trump was not seriously wounded and is doing well. We pray for him and his family as they recover from this assault. Tomorrow, we’ll worry about the political ramifications. Today, we grieve for the victims, those we know about and those we will be … Continue reading “A Word on the Attempt on President Trump’s Life”

Posted on November 3, 2021November 3, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

Impeach Harris, 2.0

Forget for the moment that Biden currently occupies the White House. If we found any other group forcing an elderly and obviously mentally compromised man to perform any functions of a very high stress job let alone many public functions, wouldn’t we report his caregivers for elder abuse? If so, what makes the Democrats – most especially Kamala Harris – so special that they are allowed to continue this sick farce? Harris has the power – and the duty – … Continue reading “Impeach Harris, 2.0”