Posted on July 23, 2023July 23, 2023Categories Current, FridayTags , , , ,

The Case Against Capital Punishment

I will note that he relies heavily on the Old Testament. He establishes the moral case for the death penalty satisfactorily, but he gives only half of the story. Above, you’ll notice that I quoted Romans 12:19 – 21. Most of you probably skimmed through that but here’s the gist: God establishes that vengeance belongs to Him alone. Mr. Clark forgets this when he states: If there were ever a crime deserving the same punishment as murder, it is child … Continue reading “The Case Against Capital Punishment”

Posted on May 24, 2023May 23, 2023Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , ,

Return to Greatness: Justice Edition

There’s no going back to what was. That doesn’t mean we can’t go forward to what can be. In my opinion, America has never ceased to be great. She’s always been and always will be imperfect. But there’s only one nation on Earth that all others immediately look to in time of need. America. Greatness is best defined by how the weakest are treated. America needs some work but slavery days are long behind us. Jim Crow is only barely … Continue reading “Return to Greatness: Justice Edition”

Posted on August 19, 2022August 12, 2022Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , , , ,

Rule of Law

You hear this phrase in the media whenever they are all hyped up about something they don’t like. You never hear it when something they like has happened. That is exactly opposite of what the rule of law is all about. It sounds simple enough. Rule of law just means there are laws, right? ‘Fraid not. Rule of law means far more than that. Rule of law means that laws apply to the leaders and the powerful, not just followers … Continue reading “Rule of Law”

Posted on July 8, 2022July 6, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , ,

A Nation of Laws Doesn’t Need Immunity to Those Laws

This should be the height of ‘self evident’ but here we are anyway. We’re told it’s bad to be the most litigious nation on Earth – and that’s nonsense. We’re the most litigious nation on Earth because we have the best access to the courts. This is a pro, not a con. Better to fight it out in court than to fight it out on the street because you can’t get into court. Courts are lazy by nature. Ever see … Continue reading “A Nation of Laws Doesn’t Need Immunity to Those Laws”

Posted on July 1, 2022July 1, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

Winning Graciously

After the jumping up and down, fist bumping and squealing in delight, there comes that awkward moment of looking your losing opponent in their tear filled eyes. The poor heartbroken things are the same jerks that have been treating us like dirt literally for years. Wouldn’t a good fat lip go great with those tears? At the very least, they need their noses rubbed in it, right? One good snarky remark? Aww, come on, you’re not saying we should be … Continue reading “Winning Graciously”

Posted on December 16, 2021July 17, 2022Categories 2021Tags , , ,

One Innocent Man

There’s the old saying ‘better ten guilty men go free than one innocent man suffer’ – or some variant thereof. When the phrase first came into use it was more dramatic referring to those facing execution. But nowadays, with crime rampant and daily media reports of the horrendous things humans are capable of doing to one another, is this statement still true – or is it just the lofty philosophy of those in the ivory tower, far removed from crime … Continue reading “One Innocent Man”