Posted on January 11, 2024January 11, 2024Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , ,

Does Israel Care What the World Thinks?

Pretty sure they don’t. This appears to me to be the final stage of what happens when this ‘all or nothing’ mentality world gets what it wants only to realize it didn’t really want what it got. Israel is no different than any other nation-state in one main respect. It comes only in Size Human. No angels, no demons, just people that stick pants on one leg at a time, sometimes do great things and sometimes do awful things. Israel … Continue reading “Does Israel Care What the World Thinks?”

Posted on November 27, 2023November 27, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags , , , ,

Ceasefire: Good for Israel? Good for Biden?

Yes to the first. No to the second. What is it with you people and details?! Can’t a cranky old lady get any peace around here? Well, that’s obviously a no. So, details it is. Y’all are probably wondering if my opinion has changed since a ceasefire doesn’t seem part of the program I anticipated. The answer is no, I haven’t changed my opinion – yet. Look, politics only comes in size people and people only come in size messy. … Continue reading “Ceasefire: Good for Israel? Good for Biden?”

Posted on November 21, 2023November 21, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , ,

What Everyone is Getting Wrong About Israel

Yay, my first clickbaity title! Those of you who have followed me at all know I don’t tend to use exciting titles and that my titles sometimes pay only passing resemblance to the actual content. Well, through no fault of my own, this blog will break both of those trends. Oh, and for listeners and viewers, link in the description! Readers can see the hyperlink below. Wow, I’m breaking all my rules today! Okay, let’s get to work. I was … Continue reading “What Everyone is Getting Wrong About Israel”

Posted on October 16, 2023October 17, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , ,

Hamas Betrayed Gaza

When Hamas massacred Israeli civilians it betrayed the Arab citizens of Gaza that it had been elected to govern. Their atrocities were so unforgivable that this time Israel is extremely unlikely to stop until Hamas is destroyed and Israel’s borders are safe. The fault for that lies squarely on Hamas. No amount of ‘but what about’ is going to save Gaza. The UN isn’t coming. Iran isn’t coming. Hezbollah will only provide a distraction – it cannot handle the Israelis, … Continue reading “Hamas Betrayed Gaza”

Posted on October 13, 2023October 11, 2023Categories Current, FridayTags , ,

Wisdom, Not Anger, is What We Need Now

Unless you aren’t human or happen to really live under a rock, you’ve been upset over the news coming out of Israel. Slaughtering civilians is not freedom fighting and no one is stupid enough to mistake it for anything other than the horrible evil it actually is. Even the YouTube ‘friendly’ videos are more than enough to enrage a saint and to break any normal human heart. I didn’t tackle this directly until now because I was still getting the … Continue reading “Wisdom, Not Anger, is What We Need Now”

Posted on October 9, 2023October 9, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags , , , ,

Israel Attacked – Welcome to the Old Normal

Millennials and Zoomers were blessed to grow up in one of the most placid periods in world history. They did the same stupid stuff that we Boomers did – they thought they understood the world and ignored anyone that said different. We ended up messing up quite a bit of the good stuff our parents had left to us. It comes as no surprise our young ‘uns have done the same. No pretense that the US is perfect. But no … Continue reading “Israel Attacked – Welcome to the Old Normal”