Posted on January 30, 2023January 30, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , ,

Between Globalism and Isolationism

Okay, so globalism bad, we should just keep to ourselves and not bother the rest of the planet, right? Yeah, that so isn’t going to work. America was born in humble beginnings – we were a podunk backwater that only attracted riff raff and no respectable person went. But we grew up into a podunk backwater with a lot of perfectly respectable folks and some really big ideas about liberty and freedom. We were by nature cocky and self assured … Continue reading “Between Globalism and Isolationism”

Posted on October 9, 2021October 9, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , ,

America, We Have to Talk

Yes, I know you’re all busy with this political divide stuff and the crazy unconstitutional stuff. All of that is important and we do have to deal with the ideological issues that are threatening to divide us. But have a seat for a moment – there’s something you need to know. The rest of the world sees us as John Wayne, swaggering in to save the day. And who wouldn’t want to be John Wayne? We’re Americans – our blood … Continue reading “America, We Have to Talk”