Posted on June 22, 2022June 22, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

Which is More Important, Ukraine or Taiwan?

Ukraine. Thanks for coming see you… Oh, you want the long answer, huh? Okay, here it is: Ukraine has actually been invaded, Taiwan hasn’t. Happy now? No? Man, you’re a tough crowd. Taiwan produces semiconductors. Ukraine produces food. Semiconductor shortages result in a lot of complaining on social media; food shortages result in riots and starvation. Just because America doesn’t need Ukrainian grain doesn’t mean that countless millions don’t. Massive uprisings abroad do nasty things to supply chains so Taiwan … Continue reading “Which is More Important, Ukraine or Taiwan?”

Posted on April 18, 2022April 18, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

Define Win

Before you start the game, make sure you know what the objective is and how to win. Also a good idea to make sure everyone agrees on what those things are – I once ‘won’ a chess game against a seeded player. I stink at chess but I defined ‘win’ as ‘not losing in ten moves or less’. I kept him busy for thirty minutes – then he figured out that I didn’t have a winning strategy, just a stalling … Continue reading “Define Win”