Bwahahahahahahaha! I swear, I thought about this possibility but would have had to edit a whole lot to include it in the earlier post and was way too lazy for that. Also, I’m slow enough as it is. But anyway, what a difference a day makes, huh? I did wonder if Putin was stupid enough to capitalize on the reduced intelligence that Ukraine was getting. Trump had made it crystal clear he wasn’t taking sides. The smart move was to … Continue reading “Putin’s Blunder”
Oval Office Meltdown – Much Ado About… Something?
So, that was fun, huh? I waited to do this blog because it’s almost never useful to analyze fast moving events. When events are going fast, it’s best to rely on real reporters (the few that still exist) and let events shake out if at all possible. That’s not to criticize commentators that weighed in earlier. I’ve found a lot of that commentary very useful. Special nods to Bill O’Reilly and William Spaniel (links provided below) for more measured and … Continue reading “Oval Office Meltdown – Much Ado About… Something?”
Is the World Going Crazy?
Nope, it’s just straightening out a few messes. Unfortunately, political messes are seldom straightened out quietly. So while there is a lot of stuff exploding at the moment, it’s a relatively minor readjustment. Major readjustments involve world wars. I vote we skip that this go around. At present, no one is doing anything that involves the US showing up with our idea of overwhelming force. While quite a bit is going on, it’s not world war level. It’s mostly Keystone … Continue reading “Is the World Going Crazy?”
Olympic Level Malice
Childless cat lady here. Overweight, virgin, disabled and Christian. All the things that it’s okay to make fun of nowadays. Also, cranky and not taking any of the nonsense. Losers punch down. Why bother worrying about what losers think? If you’re the kind of loser who thinks you have to denigrate others in order to improve yourself, you’re not only a loser but you’re going to stay a loser. Until you figure out that kicking the guy who’s down just … Continue reading “Olympic Level Malice”
Is Israel the Baddie?
No. The morons that listen to only one side are morons. Hamas is a terrorist organization not because the big meanie US says so, but because that’s how they behave and have behaved since their inception. If that weren’t enough proof, October 7th removed all doubt. There are lots of accusations flying. Allegations of involvement of Gazan civilians in the massacre have been credibly made. Kinda. Terrorists and civilians are notoriously difficult to distinguish because the terrorists refuse to wear … Continue reading “Is Israel the Baddie?”
Is Ukraine Doomed?
No. Seriously, people who pick up Molotov cocktails and shotguns to take on TANKS are not going to crumble because the US is late with a delivery or ten. Not immediately, anyway. Sure, they legitimately need the aid and it should have been there by now, but they were at war more than two years before the US finally decided to send lethal aid sometime in 2017. No, they can’t hold out forever against the economic power Russia can bring … Continue reading “Is Ukraine Doomed?”
The World Still Isn’t Ending So PAY ATTENTION
Is it me or do kids these days only pay attention to the world if they think the sky is falling? In MY day we didn’t really have a choice – only three to five channels and Dad was watching the Five O’ Clock news no matter what. Not sure which of us had it better, but we Boomers grew up having some idea of what was in the news. Nowadays, everything is a crisis. Only it’s not. Most of … Continue reading “The World Still Isn’t Ending So PAY ATTENTION”
What Else is Wrong with BRICS?
All three of you following this blog – thanks, so much! – were probably wondering if the enlargement of BRICS matters, especially after I just got through dismissing BRICS as a potential challenger to the US Dollar. In a word, no. In a much longer word: Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! <Giggle> Okay, okay, let’s start with the elephant in the room. Saudi Arabia. Give me a sec, I can’t do this with a straight face. Yes, yes, Saudi Arabia has all that oil. … Continue reading “What Else is Wrong with BRICS?”
China Destroys Digital Fish
The President of Taiwan Tsai Ing-Wen met with Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy on April 5, 2023. The Chinese took it in stride by pitching a fit all over diplomatic channels and social media. Then they sulked for a few days. Once no one was lulled into any sense of security whatsoever, China unleased its military fury by pretending to blockade Taiwan and very politely staying out of the way of most maritime traffic. But just in case anyone … Continue reading “China Destroys Digital Fish”
The World Can’t be America
Which works out just fine – they don’t want to be nor should they. We have this goofy idea that nationalism is inherently a bad thing. Like all isms, it can be taken way too far. Any ideology can be made into a bad thing by taking it to extremes. But BOTH extremes are bad. Do you fix a broken cup? Most of the time the answer is no but what if it belonged to your grandmother and was special … Continue reading “The World Can’t be America”