Posted on January 25, 2023January 18, 2023Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

Protecting American Freedoms is the Best Thing America Can do for the Rest of the World

Obviously. What? That’s not obvious to you? What they heck did they teach you kids in school? Can’t do math, can’t half read, can’t pay attention – How’d you end up worse than MY generation? Seriously, we grew up on Westerns and Tarzan, roaming the neighborhoods until dark, with permanently skinned knees, hyped on boatloads of sugar and watching way too much TV – we were supposed to be the space cases, not you kids! Do yourselves a favor, try … Continue reading “Protecting American Freedoms is the Best Thing America Can do for the Rest of the World”

Posted on December 13, 2022December 13, 2022Categories MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Why Foreign Affairs Matter to the US

First, let’s get something straight – the sky ain’t falling. No generation has a crystal ball. They all have to look whatever disaster comes their way square in the eye and decide how to handle it. This current ‘upheaval’ is no different. The one constant in the political world is change – usually messy, quiet change until it becomes a big, nasty problem. My favorite cartoon as a kid was a seriously stupid one season wonder called The Drak Pack. … Continue reading “Why Foreign Affairs Matter to the US”

Posted on August 15, 2022August 5, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Congratulations, China! You’re All Grown Up Now!

Inasmuch as any nation-state can be ‘grown-up’, sure. China has now built two aircraft carriers (it has three), three islands (that are now fully militarized despite their promises to the contrary),a space station and landed on the dark side of the moon. None of these things are the acts of a developing nation. Not. One. So why is China still receiving assistance as a developing nation? The country that is itself lending billions to underdeveloped nations, building massive infrastructure programs … Continue reading “Congratulations, China! You’re All Grown Up Now!”