Posted on April 4, 2023April 4, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , , ,

Indictment: Trump

Jack Posobiec was wrong today. We have not seen the death of the Republic. Far from it. What we have seen is the suicide of the Democrat Party. Democrats who want to bother with the blame game should start with Obama. In legalizing gay marriage he put his ‘legacy’ over the Democrat Party’s stability. With the gay issues resolved, Democrats no longer had a convenient excuse to not deal with the issues of all the crazies they had accumulated under … Continue reading “Indictment: Trump”

Posted on March 22, 2023March 22, 2023Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , , , , ,

Will Trump be Arrested?

As of 6:45 PM EST Tuesday there has been no arrest. Evidentially, the Grand Jury didn’t convene today so no indictment could have been made by them. Given New York’s nearly hysterical reaction to Trump’s call for protests, did the DA decide to sit today out? I don’t know. What’s being reported right now is that the grand jury will reconvene tomorrow and an indictment could come as soon as that, but at least one more witness is expected to … Continue reading “Will Trump be Arrested?”