Posted on November 13, 2021November 13, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

Impeach Biden

I’m fully aware that there’s no way to get articles of impeachment to the House floor – the House can’t even pass a budget right now. I’m not certain that no Democrats would defect – any remaining moderates hoping to survive the midterms may be inclined to vote with the Republicans – but there wouldn’t be enough so it wouldn’t be passed. Do it anyway. Pick a rookie member no one has heard of and have them introduce the articles. … Continue reading “Impeach Biden”

Posted on November 3, 2021November 3, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

Impeach Harris, 2.0

Forget for the moment that Biden currently occupies the White House. If we found any other group forcing an elderly and obviously mentally compromised man to perform any functions of a very high stress job let alone many public functions, wouldn’t we report his caregivers for elder abuse? If so, what makes the Democrats – most especially Kamala Harris – so special that they are allowed to continue this sick farce? Harris has the power – and the duty – … Continue reading “Impeach Harris, 2.0”