Posted on March 10, 2023March 10, 2023Categories 2023, Current, FridayTags , , ,

Defeatism is Self Defeating

That title, boys and girls, is what we call a tautology. Basically, it is self evident and doesn’t progress an argument. You can safely forget ever hearing that definition unless you plan to do formal argumentation or are philosophy geek already commenting on how bad that definition of tautology is. Yeppers, that title is a tautology. It’s of course a true statement. But unlike a formal argument, sometimes folks just need to hear the obvious spoken aloud. I am in … Continue reading “Defeatism is Self Defeating”

Posted on December 10, 2022December 10, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , ,

The Foolishness of Hopelessness

I like Dr. Steve Turley on YouTube. Of late, I haven’t agreed with him on a lot of things but today I heard him say something that was absolutely right – it ain’t over. He mentioned the Berlin Wall and Roe V Wade as changes no one ever thought would happen, except those fighting for those changes, of course. There are a host of others. The abolition of slavery was fought for from before the beginning of the Revolutionary War … Continue reading “The Foolishness of Hopelessness”