Posted on October 12, 2022October 12, 2022Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , ,

Freedom of Speech – Talk to People!

People who know me nowadays wonder if I ever shut up. People who know me from high school wonder when I learned to talk. You think I’m kidding, but I’ve talked more with them on Facebook than I did in three years of high school. No, I’m not an introvert – I just act like one. Point being is past performance is not destiny. You can change things you don’t like – that can be changed, of course. You may … Continue reading “Freedom of Speech – Talk to People!”

Posted on July 29, 2022July 26, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , 2 Comments on The Important Part Occurs Between Elections

The Important Part Occurs Between Elections

That statement should be self evident. We elect representatives to do the business of government. No one sane hires people so they can just interview for the same job over and over again. Okay, so that does bring the sanity of the United States into question but our less than stellar election behavior aside, we hire these guys to do something. We pay them WAY more than they are worth to do something important. We have an incredible interest in … Continue reading “The Important Part Occurs Between Elections”

Posted on June 17, 2022June 22, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

The Midterms are the Beginning

Americans are way too used to the idea that government can be put on autopilot. More like cruise control where you glance at your speed now and again to make sure it’s working right but otherwise ignore the speedometer. We show up on election day, vote for our party or whatever names we fancy, and go home and forget the whole thing for another two years. Civic duty done, right? Yeah, no. That’s just punching the time clock – the … Continue reading “The Midterms are the Beginning”