Posted on October 5, 2022October 5, 2022Categories WednesdayTags , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Did We Do It? Nord Stream Sabotage

Knowing only the public information I have access to right now, no. I’m extremely dubious that the US was involved. Let’s start with the elephant: Biden’s comments in February that the US could destroy the pipeline. The German Chancellor was right there. It was a joint press conference held February 7th. Reporters pestered Biden until they got a soundbite. It wasn’t even a very good one considering he said nothing about destroying the pipeline, just ‘ending it’. Germany did that … Continue reading “Did We Do It? Nord Stream Sabotage”

Posted on September 27, 2022September 27, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , , ,

Mobilization. Are We Serious Yet?

Short answer: no. Long answer – oh please, as if war weren’t serious. If you’re not serious, don’t invade. Having the best military on the planet does you no good if the political war is already lost. I’m an American – ask me how I know and try to keep a straight face. In my political opinion, Russia lost this war on February 24, 2022, the day they were stupid enough to invade. Despite all protests to the contrary, Sweden … Continue reading “Mobilization. Are We Serious Yet?”

Posted on July 11, 2022July 11, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , ,

Who’s Winning? Ukraine Versus Russia

No one, yet. All right, already, here’s the long version: We’re not even through the first quarter yet. Russia scored big at the kickoff but couldn’t hold out. Ukraine came back with a massive wave, taking the lead. But Russia went back to its old playbook and has started to gain yardage. It only took Russia three months to get a first down. If wars had nice, clean rules like football, we still wouldn’t be sure who was really doing … Continue reading “Who’s Winning? Ukraine Versus Russia”

Posted on June 4, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , ,

Cracks Forming in NATO?

Short answer: No. See y’all next time… Okay, okay, long answer: No, it’s just politics as usual. Frankly, I’m amazed it took this long. The problem is the leadership vacuum. There really isn’t a leader on the NATO side. Biden is, well, Biden. He has trouble getting his dog to follow him. Johnson is as close to a leader as NATO has right now as he’s gotten in front of a lot of the stuff that needed doing. He’s not … Continue reading “Cracks Forming in NATO?”