Posted on November 10, 2023November 20, 2023Categories FridayTags , , , ,

Veteran’s Day: Freedom Ain’t Free

Red poppies. Over one hundred years ago the world went to war. Tomorrow we remember those who died in World War One and all those who served our country on the field of battle. Far too many of those who fought for our freedom never returned. The poem Flander’s Fields speaks poignantly of the red poppies blowing in the breeze between the gravestones of the fallen of World War One. In Europe, they celebrate Remembrance Day on November 11th, the … Continue reading “Veteran’s Day: Freedom Ain’t Free”

Posted on March 3, 2023March 3, 2023Categories Current, FridayTags , ,

Morality is the Foundation of Freedom

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. John Adams I blame the leftists. But it really doesn’t matter who started it, way too many of us went along with this nonsense that freedom means no limits whatsoever. Think it through: if you have no limits then neither does the other guy. You might think killing people for their lollipops is a bad plan but he might … Continue reading “Morality is the Foundation of Freedom”

Posted on February 3, 2023February 3, 2023Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , ,

The World Can’t be America

Which works out just fine – they don’t want to be nor should they. We have this goofy idea that nationalism is inherently a bad thing. Like all isms, it can be taken way too far. Any ideology can be made into a bad thing by taking it to extremes. But BOTH extremes are bad. Do you fix a broken cup? Most of the time the answer is no but what if it belonged to your grandmother and was special … Continue reading “The World Can’t be America”

Posted on January 25, 2023January 18, 2023Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

Protecting American Freedoms is the Best Thing America Can do for the Rest of the World

Obviously. What? That’s not obvious to you? What they heck did they teach you kids in school? Can’t do math, can’t half read, can’t pay attention – How’d you end up worse than MY generation? Seriously, we grew up on Westerns and Tarzan, roaming the neighborhoods until dark, with permanently skinned knees, hyped on boatloads of sugar and watching way too much TV – we were supposed to be the space cases, not you kids! Do yourselves a favor, try … Continue reading “Protecting American Freedoms is the Best Thing America Can do for the Rest of the World”

Posted on December 13, 2022December 13, 2022Categories MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Why Foreign Affairs Matter to the US

First, let’s get something straight – the sky ain’t falling. No generation has a crystal ball. They all have to look whatever disaster comes their way square in the eye and decide how to handle it. This current ‘upheaval’ is no different. The one constant in the political world is change – usually messy, quiet change until it becomes a big, nasty problem. My favorite cartoon as a kid was a seriously stupid one season wonder called The Drak Pack. … Continue reading “Why Foreign Affairs Matter to the US”

Posted on December 3, 2022December 3, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Price of Freedom: Eternal Vigilance

Vigilance is just a fancy word for paying attention and being on the look out. Normally, when you hear this phrase we think of our servicemen and women providing our defense and extending our protection worldwide. But that’s only a part of what it means. Truth is, the US is such a ridiculously difficult military target that conventional invasion may as well be impossible. America has only been invaded once (the British, 1812) unless you want to count the Revolutionary … Continue reading “The Price of Freedom: Eternal Vigilance”

Posted on November 26, 2022November 26, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Government: Parent or Pet?

The Twentieth Century was a contest between competing political ideologies. It is a gross oversimplification to say that it was just between Communism and Capitalism or Authoritarianism and Democracy. Politics exists on a spectrum and no matter how hard we try, there are too many issues to have even two people agree on every single one, let alone whole nation-states of people. But since I’m still not interested in writing a dissertation, we’ll settle for the generalization. The Twentieth Century … Continue reading “Government: Parent or Pet?”