Oh, settle down. I didn’t say that those rich boys weren’t powerful. They are, but they just found out that they aren’t as powerful as they thought they were. How do I know? Simple, look at how many of those guys were at Trump’s inauguration. They were all card carrying Democrats on November 5th but now they’re scrambling to get in Trump’s good graces. Brown nosing is not the sign of either an oligarch or an Illuminati. It’s a bunch … Continue reading “Here Come the Rats: Proof that Neither Elites nor Oligarchs Rule America”
The Price of Freedom: Eternal Vigilance
Vigilance is just a fancy word for paying attention and being on the look out. Normally, when you hear this phrase we think of our servicemen and women providing our defense and extending our protection worldwide. But that’s only a part of what it means. Truth is, the US is such a ridiculously difficult military target that conventional invasion may as well be impossible. America has only been invaded once (the British, 1812) unless you want to count the Revolutionary … Continue reading “The Price of Freedom: Eternal Vigilance”
Use It or Lose It – Freedom of Speech
When I was a girl, shortly after the Earth cooled, it became fashionable for people to chide others that ‘politics and religion were not topics for polite company’. The trend became an adage – don’t talk politics or religion. After all, it’ll only start a fight. You know how Uncle Rodger is at Thanksgiving! Now, every nutjob on the street could mouth off about whatever he pleased -we just weren’t supposed to talk about the topics with him, other people, … Continue reading “Use It or Lose It – Freedom of Speech”